Whats the deal with Metalcore?

metalcore vocals just suck in my opinion and alot of those bands have those annoying breakdowns with no melody, just annoying guitar sounds. Trivium has alright guitarists in one example but the vocals are pretty lame so I would have to say I don't like them.

If you're looking for metal, listen to metal. If you're looking for hardcore, listen to hardcore I'd have to say.
Not a fan of metalcore either. Everytime I try to find new and interesting metal to listen to I'm usually find myself inundated with hardcore and metalcore bands claiming they're death, black, progressive, or one of the other hundresds of types of genres out there.
Metalcore is why I'm too afraid to venture out musically and listen to new bands. Metalcore is why, after discovering Opeth, I haven't left that bubble for a long, long time.
If you're looking for metal, listen to metal. If you're looking for hardcore, listen to hardcore I'd have to say.

Hell no. That's like saying if you like Progressive rock, listen to Camel, if you like death metal listen Morbid Angel, but Opeth suck for mixing both styles.

I'm sure that each style has it's own merits to the listener and mixing it up is the best of both worlds for them.
Finally: Others who understand the generic-bullshit concept of metalcore! I thought I was alone, thinking that metalcore fucking blows large elephant chunks! I am truly glad to find this forum. I've been surrounded by morons and emo fags who think they comprehend music while being kicked out of bands because I've been trying to play Behemoth. Inane emo fuck-tards... Everyday I hear: "Holy fuck! What an amazing breakdown!" or "That's a sweet riff!" Fuck, it's the same god-forsaken scale every fucking time. "Oh look, I can play on only 10 different frets, consisting of mostly open!" Metalcore is just sad; I'm going to listen to Symphony X and Nile.

bump, amen to that:headbang::headbang:

i dislike all "cores" metalcores not as good as it thinks it is, hardcore is for frat guys with a barbed wire tattoo, deathcre is almost worse than metalcore cause it makes kids think they're tough shit who listen to brutal metal, the only tolerable one(if you consider it) is grindcore, and even then, its not that great
but im fussy:loco:
Well I dont see how anyone could consider it generic, unless you consider something like Killswitch Engage metalcore (lol no way!!!)

That was a joke right? They're practically archetypal Metalcore.

Metalcore is for the most part, generic, and average. The screamed vocals sound like someone attempting Death Metal vocals, and failing hard. The clean vocals are for the most part, whiny and obnoxious. There's little in the music itself that cannot be found in other (better) bands, Metalcore brings nothing new to metal, or Hardcore, or music in general.

That being said, there are certainly bands with a noticeable core influence or sound that interest me, BTBAM and Mastodon (there are some elements of core in there, but I don't consider them as such) among them. Lamb of God are often described as Metalcore, but they're an excellent band. A lot of Technical Death Metal has breakdowns in it, but they're usually a far cry from the repetitive, chuggah-chuggah-chuggah shit that's found in your average Metalcore song.
That was a joke right? They're practically archetypal Metalcore.

Metalcore is for the most part, generic, and average. The screamed vocals sound like someone attempting Death Metal vocals, and failing hard. The clean vocals are for the most part, whiny and obnoxious. There's little in the music itself that cannot be found in other (better) bands, Metalcore brings nothing new to metal, or Hardcore, or music in general.

The thing i hate most about clean vocals in 'metalcore' is that they sound like whiney emos.
I used to love metalcore until I discovered Opeth. Then, almost every metalcore I listened to was shit. I still listen to some metalcore, and please don't have me for that. But really, old Killswitch Engage is awesome, and they will always be in my opinion.
I once went to a metalcore show. I didn't like the attitude people had, i didn't like 'hardcore' dancing, and in general the bands typically had extremely similar sounds (not to say that other subgenre's don't) but it wasn't anything outstanding to me.

more than anything else i hate the kids with the fucking hair and girl pants.
fuck that.
Hell no. That's like saying if you like Progressive rock, listen to Camel, if you like death metal listen Morbid Angel, but Opeth suck for mixing both styles.

I'm sure that each style has it's own merits to the listener and mixing it up is the best of both worlds for them.

I meant those two styles of music in particular, I'm fine with blending genres together or else I wouldn't be posting on this forum :cool: