Whats the first metal band you've heard?


New Metal Member
Sep 11, 2013
Jerusalem, Israel.
Hello mates. Im curious to know......whats the first metal band you've heard? Personally I think mine was Disturbed. After that I started to listen to other bands as well.

What about you mate?
Probably Metallica. The first metal band I've heard that made me like metal ? I'd say In Flames.
Iron Maiden when I were 4 or 5 years old via my father.
Metallica, I suppose, at pre-school age from my sisters' cassettes. Also started listening to Rammstein and other such stuff with friends at 10 years old or so.
Probably Megadeth, Metallica, or some obscure Thrash/Death metal band. It's impossible for me to say because my brothers were playing metal in the household when I was just a few years old.

The first metal band I was a big fan of was Blind Guardian, in my early teens. Then Iron Maiden. Then I kinda left "big fan" mode and liked several bands equally.

EDIT: actually, Helloween (the keeper albums) was first. That was when I wasn't even a teenager. Even my mom liked Helloween.
I suppose the answer will vary, depending on what you consider "metal." When I was a kid, I really liked Van Halen, Journey and Rush. Things evolved for me from there toward the hair bands of the late 80's and early 90's. It wasn't until I got a copy of Metallica's "...And Justice for All" on cassette tape that I really started listening to the heavier stuff. A friend of mine got me listening to Dream Theater in high school. By then, I started getting more into Iron Maiden and Judas Priest, as well as more current prog like Queensryche. I first heard Symphony X when a coworker brought a tape of their self titled album into work.
Living in a country where metal is everywhere it's impossible to say which band was the first I heard, but Priest is definitely the first one I fell in love with.
Saw Metallica on TV performing at the Freddie Mercury tribute concert in 91 (I think). I thought 'what the hell is this???!!!'. The week after between me and my brother we'd bought all their albums. I got Kill em All and Puppets, and my bro got the other 3.
I also remember hearing Bring your Daughter to the Slaughter played at a school disco.
First rock band was Guns N' Roses, thanks to my 6 year older brother.

First metal band... probably Iron Maiden or Metallica, though I'll say Maiden because I've always had more of a relationship with them than Metallica.

I got introduced to Maiden when I was around 10 or something, again thanks to my brother, plus my another older brother. The 2 first songs I heard was "Fear of the Dark" and "Afraid to Shoot Strangers. Both good songs, but I've always had a soft spot for the latter.

At that time I listened to pop music, but a couple of years later, I got into metal, via a transition period with Linkin Park :p I started collecting Maiden cd's and now I have all of them (all studio, most of the live discs).
I can't say I remember the first metal band I heard... But the first metal band that I ever took notice of and got really into was Iced Earth. Kinda an obscure band to get me started with metal, but I will take it!
I've heard and forgot some death metal bands, introduced by my senior cousine when i was very little. But what i first listened intentionally was Metallica's Kill'em All when i was 12 years old or so.

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