Whats the most ignorant thing you've evr heard?

Mar 12, 2002
Underneath the bridge
Now I know how you all spend your entire lives here bitching to anyone about anything at all. So I thought this would be a good way to make a big thread. Whats the most ignorant, stupid, bollocks, post/thread/quote/story/whatever etc. you've ever heard?
"Korn is better than At the Gates"
"Korn and Slipknot will last longer than Iron Maiden"
those are the two stupidest things I have heard
The Donnas

At the www.enix.com boards you constantly hear "Korn and Linkin Park are the greatest bands ever" from people who haven't even heard of Iron Maiden. Also, when you list a band they don't know of, they say they must suck since they haven't heard of them.
Originally posted by Nick Inch Nails
Now I know how you all spend your entire lives here bitching to anyone about anything at all. So I thought this would be a good way to make a big thread. Whats the most ignorant, stupid, bollocks, post/thread/quote/story/whatever etc. you've ever heard?

Doubtless, it must have been "Suicides deserve to be killed".
"heavy metal is all noise and it can not be liked..you only listen to it for the image"
This Linkin Park/Sum-41 fan told me this.
damn... i hate people.

I hate people. But i like some individual human beens.


"Marylin Manson scares me..." then i put some Dark Funeral on the player and this girl goes like: humm.. kind of like it. What are they talking about on the lyrics... hehehe... then i told her. COOL.
Originally posted by Flaming Death
some kid at Wal-Mart today approx. 16 years old.

"Wow cool Gi Joes, who the hell wants to play with a my pals though"

That gave me quite a good laugh. :lol:

If I heard someone say that, I'd laugh for ten minutes then go beat his ass for being a racist fool.
well the most ignorant thing i have heard was from an old "friend" who began a diatribe on how he hates anyone who isn't white ........ the really funny thing is he is part American Indian. he says all of this when he knows most of my friends are from non european backgrounds.
not much of a friend any more!