What's the last CD you listened to?

Absu - The Sun of Tiphareth
Absu - The Third Storm of Cythraul
Absu - Barathrum V.I.T.R.I.O.L
Absu - Tara

Christmas time is coming and I need to be fully up to speed with every single absu song or my friend bryan will have my hide. Expect tomorow night ot be a melechesh marathon. :S
my one contribution to this thread:
i didnt listen to a single note of music today.
but i made some cookies so it should all even out.

Definitely one of the greatest albums ever.
Hot Water Music - Caution
Therapy? - Troublegum


...screw that, forget about that I don't wanna hear about anything like that screw that, forget about that I don't wanna know about anything like that, I've got nothing to do 'cept hang around and get screwed up on you, your beauty makes me feel alone I look inside but no ones home, screw that, forget about that...

Erik said:
I didn't think you listened to any metal with extreme vocals any more :lol:

Good album, Bethlehem is pretty underrated

haha...That CD fucking RULES. So godamn spine-chilling. I was going through my CD's that I havent listened to for a longtime and decided to listen to it again cuz its been ages and was kicked in the nuts again.