What's the most horrible thing you have ever done?

oh if we're including stuff like that then i have a few horror stories too...
as we all do i'm sure

but i don't feel like typing them out right now
Probably (date) raping my best friends skanky ex for 50$ and laughs.
Ive done many horrible things when I was younger. I have no idea why I started this thread...I didnt even remember doing it until I came back from some stupid Smith Driving Class for work and was like WTF?
Ok, the bar has been raised, Guthrum must now reveal his story and we'll see if he can top DOGGY's frankly reprehensible deed.

btw dude, fuck off and die! seriously, if i knew where you lived and it wasn't snowing like a bitch right now i'd probably drive out and break your legs. :loco:
I got a speeding ticket, that's pretty much it. And I STOLE A NESTLE CRUNCH BAR when I was 6.
I got a speeding ticket, that's pretty much it. And I STOLE A NESTLE CRUNCH BAR when I was 6.

I had a shoplifting spree when I was in 3rd grade. I was smart about it though. Realizing that my parents would question me
playing with toys they did not buy me, I would steal them, play with them for a bit and then throw them away hidden in a cereal box or something. I thought myself to be quite clever.
Well, I stole all kinds of food from my grocery store job over the years! As well, I smoked a lot of weed while on the clock there. Good times!

edit: i'm starting to like this thread. Good thinking, Doomcifer!
Gotta hand it to the guy, he actually said the most horrible thing that he'd ever done (unlike the rest of us).

if I'm assuming that this is truth like everyone else, that is.
^ I pretty much agree. Not that he is a horrible person for it, but still. I dunno, Im pretty much tinkering on the issue steeple.

That said, perhaps its a troll.

That said, who cares.

That said, I have no idea what I am trying to convey.