What's the worst thing you've ever done

Lit a quarter stick of dynamite underneath the "Carnival" peoples trailer while they were sleeping. I was probably 13 years old at the time.

Haha those things are fun as hell. I have a friend who makes dozens of quarter sticks and half-sticks and I always going around waking people up with them.

On the more destructive note, we have also used them to destroy mailboxes, toilets, those damn electronic speed signs that tell you your speed, and even a car.
I did actually admit to the worst thing I have ever done. I will never forget that moth flapping around in agony.

st333333ph that is really bad, but you were 14. Everyone says horrible things to their parents around that age.
I was messing w/ my hair in an elevator few days back and there were these two little flies that escaped out of it. I felt really bad for keeping them theree unknowingly afterwards, but that's like the worst thing I can think of now.


I can't think of something that I've done that's terrible apart from beating the shit out of this kid with a chair for being an asshole. But I think it's okay because he deserved it. I've got anger management issues that have been really good as of late :D
with a chair?!

can't be that bad though, I have terrible anger management issues too so in my eyes if someone pissed you off first, well too fucking bad, don't cross the line.

I signed someone up for hundreds of spam gay porn sites in college but that chicken fucker stole a whole jug of wine from my birthday party.
Eh it was pretty bad. Hitting the kid with a chair was actually okay, I didn't hurt him too badly. I got pulled away by a teacher before I could do any more damage. I almost got expelled and was sent for counseling, which was fucking stupid.

Another time, I broke another guy's jaw once because he didn't like the fact that I was shagging a girl he liked, so he hurled a few insults at me and pushed me. So I punched him square in the jaw and sent him to hospital. Surprised he didn't press charges.

I don't really like to start fights, but I can hold myself pretty well in one. I did Thai kick boxing for awhile which helped me manage my anger and my fitness. Don't mind going back to it for the hell of it.
Badass. Sounds like these could have been avoided if they hadn't started shit with you first.

I should take martial arts or gun training classes so I am not totally useless in fights.
Oh I'm moving to the southern USA after Japan, so in terms of self defense I'll just go to a gun show and bring one home, hah!

I haven't heard of Krav Maghar, can you tell me a little more? (or I could google it)
Krav Maga is fucking crazy, saw the episode of Fight Quest when they went to Isreal to practice it..3 minutes into the lecture the teacher elbowed the guy in the face to show him that he wasn't prepared!
One of the moves in the beginning form of Wing Chun is basically designed to jab out both of someone's eyes at once. It would really suck if someone unwittingly busted that out in my class during a sparring exercise. :erk:
The only worst thing on top of my head is when I was 15 or 14 and I nearly was hospitolized for intoxication.

I once entered my brothers room by pushing through the glass in the door. I don't even remember the sound of glass breaking but I remember missing by inch a big piece of glass that could pierce my belly.