what's your best anathema gig ?


Feb 13, 2002
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Hello there,

I saw my favourite band 2 times (would like much more). First time was in 99 Paris France, and in 2001 still in Paris France.

My favourite one was the 99 show because of the songs... It was a magic moment for me (perhaps because it was the first time i saw them).

What about you ? How many time do you see them ? What's your best show ?


Well, I've only seen them once last January here in Thessaloniki... :cry:

It was pretty decent though I'd like to hear some more Eternity and A4 songs... :)
Well, first time I saw them was for the Eternity tour...I was quite young, and I was no a big fan of this album when it first came out. Since then, I've seen Anathema live about nine or ten times.
But my favourite concert was definitely the Parisian gig for he released of the Judgement album, at the Locomotive.
They played the entire Judgement album in the cd order, had a short break, and played an hour more concert !!!! :)

The atmosphere was fantastic, and it was few days before the chips adventure : unforgettable !!! ;)
The best time i saw them... (difficult choice, I've seen them many many times)was probaby on eurorock 2001, or maybe in ghent 1996, or probably last gig at biebob... it might be that last one yes :)
this is not a logical question.since most of us couldn't see them more than one place.but I can say that they were great when I saw them here in Istanbul
my first time was in 96 at the biebob. it was ok but the next years i lost sight of 'em
then i saw the band in 99at graspop and it was :WAW
out of 10 times i've now seen them the last time at the biebob was definitely the best though '01-biebob and '99- ghent were also great
in fact they were all good
there's only one i think wasn't so great :eurorock '01
I only saw 2 gigs so far, both in Bochum. First one in 1999 with Tiamat as headliner (kinda wrong position they played, Tiamat sucks after A deeper kind of Slumber!), and in 2001 which was better imo. But the next will be better, i feel it!!!
last gig, 013. and then Huntenpop as well this year.
its good to see that they are evolving in their performances