What's your favorite interview on RC so far?

I skim through interview with bands that don't interest me, so obviously my favorite interview are going to be the ones with bands I like.

Off hand I'd say Fenriz was my fav. The Lacuna Coil one was good too, but that is because it was so conversational and funny (at the end when they talked about boys).
Demonspell said:
Either Thyrfing or Into Eternity...

I had fun doing that IE interview just because Jim was such an approachable guy. Regarding what npearce said about the Lacuna Coil interview, I also like the 'chatty' type interviews. At some point, I'd quite like to interview someone down the pub over a beer.

Personally I quite liked the Soilwork interview. Chief B telling Peter Wichers that they've started to sound like Tears for Fears...hehehe.
Of course I'm biased, but thus far, I really, really enjoyed the Ensiferum interview, if only because they're a band who should be more well-known, and they've not done very many English interviews, so it was a treat.
I enjoyed the Ensiferum interview a lot. I haven't read very many interviews fromt hem, but I can definately say I love their music. And I love Markus' bush comment in the end... :Spin:
JayKeeley said:
At some point, I'd quite like to interview someone down the pub over a beer.

Of course, I totally forgot my first ever interview was in-person with Jon Schaffer from Iced Earth. We met him at ProgPower III and he gave me an on the spot interview in the hotel we were all staying in.

Very cool and approachable guy - that interview was fun, and I had to make hand written notes. I had zero time to prepare, so the questions are probably 'weak'. Definitely a highlight from PPIII for me.
By the way, did anyone read the Japanese translation of the AE interview? I know you're all fluent, so I was wondering how it translated....;)

Regardless of personal faves, the AE interview has been the most read thus far. Popular band that one, phew!
Papa Josh said:
Hello Junnie!

So when can I get some love and get a translation of Vital Remains?

I think the Japanese would love their latest album...

You might have to get in line because Soilwork is next apparently....are VR big in Japan?
Big up to Junnie. The Soilwork Japanese translation is up and running on the greatest Japanese metal webzine in the world, METAL MAD JAPAN!!


Just want to say how gratifying it is to be able to publish stuff to the web, only to have it further propogated out to the Japanese market through MMJ. And we even get our own RC section on the site...! You rule Junnie!

And to coin a phrase by our Papa, "Strength through Numbers"!!!!
