Whats Ypur Fav. MANOWAR album?

Manowar is one of my favorite bands and i'm proud to be a Metalhead and i'm proud to be a True Brother Of Metal. Manowar stands for everything Metal is about and if you don't like Manowar then go and listen to Pop-Crap, Country or something else! if you don't like Manowar, that's just because it's too loud and too heavy for your little poser-ears.

Manowar = one of the best bands in the world
Joey DeMaio = one of the coolest persons in Metal
Eric Adams = one of Metal's best vocalists
KINGS OF METAL = Manowar's best album

i don't care if you don't like Manowar you little poser-pussy! you get squashed like the bug that you are or you gonna die face-down in a pool of liquid shit! shit belongs in the toilet! flush it!

Thrashard said:
Manowar is one of my favorite bands and i'm proud to be a Metalhead and i'm proud to be a True Brother Of Metal. Manowar stands for everything Metal is about and if you don't like Manowar then go and listen to Pop-Crap, Country or something else! if you don't like Manowar, that's just because it's too loud and too heavy for your little poser-ears.

Manowar = one of the best bands in the world
Joey DeMaio = one of the coolest persons in Metal
Eric Adams = one of Metal's best vocalists
KINGS OF METAL = Manowar's best album

i don't care if you don't like Manowar you little poser-pussy! you get squashed like the bug that you are or you gonna die face-down in a pool of liquid shit! shit belongs in the toilet! flush it!


Very well put I am too Proud to be a Metal Head And A True Brother of Metal, LOL@if you don't like Manowar, that's just because it's too loud and too heavy for your little poser-ears. Truer words have never been Spoken

Okay, I will try and steer you in the right direction for songs. I would try the following:

1. Violence and Bloodshed
2. Black Wind Fire and Steel
3. Gates of Valhalla
4. Master of the Wind
5. Courage

The last two are ballads, but the BEST ballads I've heard. If you listen to the words, you will see why. There are a lot of stories and stuff behind their songs, especially those two. I've known these guys for many years. If you like, the interview I did with Scott last year is posted on www.swedishmetal.net. Just go to the 'webzine" button on top and then the interview button on the left. I have interviews with all the guys, just haven't had enough time to transcribe them. I actually got two last year within a month with Eric and got some hillarious responses to some really funny questions I asked. I hope to transcribe that one soon. Scott's is pretty funny/cool too.

I will add some more songs to this list later, as I am at work right now.
Manowar are without a shadow of a doubt the most homosexual band to ever exist. They make Culture Club look like womanizers. They are false metal and should be destroyed. What's their best album? That's like comparing garbage dumps to find the one that stinks the least. It's not stupid to insult Manowar, it's stupid to defend them. Bands like Manowar actually make me ashamed to say that I like metal, and that's the truth.
I agree that Black Wind Fire and Steel is one of the coolest songs ever, and I love the "Fighting the World" album. And whoever posted the great ballads at the end of that list of songs, forgot one of the best.... "Heart of Steel" !!! Hail Manowar!
Triumph and Steel is thier best album, I thought they should of stayed stayed with that style for future albums. The drummer and guitarist were insane. My fav song from that album is Burning (excellent lyrics and atmosphere).:)
LuminousAether said:
Manowar are without a shadow of a doubt the most homosexual band to ever exist. They make Culture Club look like womanizers. They are false metal and should be destroyed. What's their best album? That's like comparing garbage dumps to find the one that stinks the least. It's not stupid to insult Manowar, it's stupid to defend them. Bands like Manowar actually make me ashamed to say that I like metal, and that's the truth.

Oh my god dude will you just give a rest already Nobody Wants to hear your Input this isnt a thread asking "How much do you hate Manowar" If all you wanna do is hate Start a What shit bands do you hate thread or something
Squeak said:
Okay, I will try and steer you in the right direction for songs. I would try the following:

1. Violence and Bloodshed
2. Black Wind Fire and Steel
3. Gates of Valhalla
4. Master of the Wind
5. Courage

The last two are ballads, but the BEST ballads I've heard. If you listen to the words, you will see why. There are a lot of stories and stuff behind their songs, especially those two. I've known these guys for many years. If you like, the interview I did with Scott last year is posted on www.swedishmetal.net. Just go to the 'webzine" button on top and then the interview button on the left. I have interviews with all the guys, just haven't had enough time to transcribe them. I actually got two last year within a month with Eric and got some hillarious responses to some really funny questions I asked. I hope to transcribe that one soon. Scott's is pretty funny/cool too.

I will add some more songs to this list later, as I am at work right now.

Dude that is seriously fukin cool I will check out your interveiws as soon as I get a chance Nice list BTW

\m/ said:
To be honest, I have never heard a Manowar song to comment if they're good or bad. I think when people make fun of the band, its because of the fans with swords ect. Any suggestions on where to start (songs)?

Dude Check out "Gates Of Vahalla" Nuff said if that one doesnt Hook ya.....well just listen to the Whole "Into Glory Ride" album:D