Whats Ypur Fav. MANOWAR album?

LuminousAether you must have some kind of crush on me or something cause you wont leave me alone everywhere I go I see LuminousAether every thread I post to your there whats up man do you need something from me do I excite you I must Jeez get a life LuminousAether
JonnyD, you should just ignore Lumious. You can tell that person comes in here to make you pissed off. Luminous, if you dislike Manowar so much, why are you in this thread? Like I said before, one person's trash, another's treasure. If only you guys could leave it at that. JonnyD, SERIOUSLY, just ignore the ones that don't like Manowar. That's what I've been doing and nothing bad has come out of that. Doesn't matter if people are following you. You start ignoring them, they get bored.
Squeak said:
JonnyD, you should just ignore Lumious. You can tell that person comes in here to make you pissed off. Luminous, if you dislike Manowar so much, why are you in this thread? Like I said before, one person's trash, another's treasure. If only you guys could leave it at that. JonnyD, SERIOUSLY, just ignore the ones that don't like Manowar. That's what I've been doing and nothing bad has come out of that. Doesn't matter if people are following you. You start ignoring them, they get bored.

Dude you are so right....... but I really hate the idea that I would have to use the Ignore feature its not really my style I like to think that most ppl are good, This goes way beyond him hating manowar he has insulted my intelligence and my integrity (cant spell lol ) for no good reason but I have put him on my iggy list thank you dude
JonnyD said:
Dude you are so right....... but I really hate the idea that I would have to use the Ignore feature its not really my style I like to think that most ppl are good, This goes way beyond him hating manowar he has insulted my intelligence and my integrity (cant spell lol ) for no good reason but I have put him on my iggy list thank you dude

Actually, I'm a dudette, but I guess that's close enough. :loco: I wasn't meaning to use the actual "ignore" feature, I've never done that. But if you read the posts and you don't like it, just ignore it. THAT'S what I meant. It's not worth it to get pissed off over something silly like that. I get a LOT of shit for liking Manowar or glam or lotsa other bands just because I like a lot of different kind of music. I listen to whatever the hell I want to listen to... I could care less what other people say about it. If I let every single person that teases me or puts me down about something I listen to get to me, I'd have gone postal by now!!! :hotjump: If you just ignore them, they go away. It doesn't hurt you, doesn't hurt them. It's that simple. I am now officially going back to non-mother-hen mode. :p
Jonny has some sort of selective perception issues. I can't believe his psychosis actually allows him to think I am following him around, insulting him at whim. That's not even close to reality, he is following me around throwing insults in the most broken English imaginable and he even devoted a thread to me! He wants my sordid love child, guaranteed.
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Squeak said:
Actually, I'm a dudette, but I guess that's close enough. :loco: I wasn't meaning to use the actual "ignore" feature, I've never done that. But if you read the posts and you don't like it, just ignore it. THAT'S what I meant. It's not worth it to get pissed off over something silly like that. I get a LOT of shit for liking Manowar or glam or lotsa other bands just because I like a lot of different kind of music. I listen to whatever the hell I want to listen to... I could care less what other people say about it. If I let every single person that teases me or puts me down about something I listen to get to me, I'd have gone postal by now!!! :hotjump: If you just ignore them, they go away. It doesn't hurt you, doesn't hurt them. It's that simple. I am now officially going back to non-mother-hen mode. :p

LOL sorry bout that :blushes: Well The ignore feature works quite well but yes you are so right I am not going to even read what the guy has to say I am done with him its time to move on to bigger better things, Thank you so much for the mother Hen mode I need that sometimes your a cool chick :wave: