When All Is Said Double CD vs Digi-pack?

there´s been a bit of a delay in the makign the artwork rady for printing. an arist in the us, a printer is austria and a label in Sweden, + a very busy me, doesn´t make any things any easier..
but it is worth the wait
Its on cdon.com (i saw that site in someone's post so i checked it out, even though i'm in australia)
I usually buy my stuff in cd shops just cause thats what i've always done...
So, anyone know the difference between the cd and the digipack?
Received an email a few minutes ago from Blackmark :

Dearest customer

many thanks for your order to Black Mark.
We released your parcel today the 10th day of November.
We hope you´re going to enjoy the Black Mark products,
Welcome back!
Have a nice weekend,
vbr Klaudia
Black Mark AB
Gula Villan, Nannylundsgatan 1
57539 Eksjö
Got it today. Ordered it in dollars wich made it a lot cheaper for me compared to if i had order it in swedish currency ! :Saint:

In the booklet there are some old pictures and Dan tells us a few (maybe not a "few"..) words about every song on the album. At the end of the booklet there's a suprise for those who voted for the songs they wanted to be on the album. :p :)