When All Is Said Double CD vs Digi-pack?

How much is edited out of the Crimsons, and how much better is the sound on the really early material?

Oh, and which tracklist is it? The one with both Crimsons on one disc, or the one with each Crimson ending a disc (in which case he wouldn't have to edit anything to fit them). Or I suppose he could just use a 90 minute disc if they're both on the same cd...
3 minutes are edited out of the 2nd disc to fit on 80 minute disc. Small parts in C1 and small ones in C2 which really doesn't affect the flow of the song much at all and no vocal parts were cut out.
"When all is said" a must buy - my long time friend Senior Jimbob dropped by the other day and brought he´s copy off the cd ... :rock: :kickass:
Finally, I received my copy, too! Haven't finished listening yet, but I had to think about two things:

In the booklet, Dan said it would have been too difficult to remix the songs, so they are not, but remastered. But didn't he already remix a lot of stuff for the "Evolution" compilation? Especially because he complained about the snare sound of "The masque", I think I remember that he remixed the songs from "The spectral sorrows" with a much better drum sound for that album. I am not sure and cannot check at the moment (I don't have the album at my office), but I remember that especially "The masque" sounded very different and much better.
Why weren't some of the remixes used (there are only few songs on both compilations, I think), or why wasn't it possible to do the same to the other tracks?

The other thing I noticed, maybe it's obvious, but I never thought about it before: In some way "Enigma" is "Crimson 0". It has all the typical elements of the "Crimson" album. The breaks between total fury and calm atmospheric parts, the melodic midtempo parts and guitarleads, keyboards, the different vocals, even the cello! Not only all the different parts, but also the whole atmosphere of the song and how it is built up and evolves is very similar, in my opinion.

Anyway, I'm happy that I could get another release, and now I'm especially looking foward to the second disc! And I think it's a really great package, the liner notes are really interesting and so much fun to read, thanks a lot! :)
My original idea was the remix all the song..but after an intense search for both mastertapes and the machines required to pay them...I had to give it up..It was all or nothing.. Masters for Infernal was erased and at the time I could not find the machine needed to transfer the Purgatory, Until, Crimson and Spectral masters (By now I have found a perfect condition machine and the masters are now transferred for a possible future remix....cool....) the transfer of the 1st and 2nd album was more that all the studios with a full functioning and "hooked up" 24 channel 2" machine costed a fortune per hour and I did not charge BMP anything for my extensive work on this album...and I lost enough money doing this, not being able to mix other stuff in this time..

so maybe, one day, there is a remixed version of some of the albums...

Cool that you like the stuff..
Dan Swanö;5634534 said:
(By now I have found a perfect condition machine and the masters are now transferred for a possible future remix....cool....)


So let's hope that the Best-of sells so well that BlackMark will pay you a remixing job for "Spectral Sorrows"! Seriously, this album has some of the best songs ever, but the worst sound. I believe that everybody who knows the album, wether they already own it or not, would buy a remixed version! Hello, BlackMark... ;)

I remember that my first thoughts were "what is this?!?", when I listened to the album the first time. My ears were even "untrained" to Death Metal back then, and it was also my first Edge of sanity album. But then I thought the songs were so great that it didn't really matter. And on the other hand, it fitted, because it sounded somewhat "scary", as if it was coming "directly from hell"... ;-)
Ok, now I've also listened (several times) to the second disc, "Crimson II" sounds very good now! And finally, tracks for "Crimson I"! ;) By the way, has anyone ever thought of doing a kind of tracklist for "Crimson" (now possible for both parts)? I mean like where which lyrics start, etc.?

But one little thing is still kind of bugging me about "Crimson II": Although it sounds much better now, I still cannot understand any of the lyrics.

Musically, it's really a masterpiece, in my opinion. Songwriting, arrangements, performances, melodies, even every solo, etc., I love it! It's amazing how the song "flows" from beginning to end! But the growling feels kind of strange to me, because one thing I always loved about Edge of sanity was that you could understand the lyrics very well without reading the booklet. This was really great and somewhat more "catchy", compared to a lot of other death metal bands, without loosing the agression or brutality.

Or take Death, for example, one of my favourite bands. You could understand every word Chuck was singing, still he sounded more agressive, more pissed-off and scary than most of the other death metal vocalists. In fact, if I just understand things like "gurglaaargh", like with some other bands, it's not really brutal or scary, but ridiculous or funny ;)

Anyway, that was always great about Edge of sanity, but somehow on "Crimson II" it's very hard to distinguish words and sounds from the growling, at least to my ears. I don't know, if this is a recording issue or sound issue, or due to the performances?
In my opinion, the growling could be a bit more clear, it would maybe add a lot of great moments to an already great album. Like in some parts, where you can understand some words, they really stand out (like "on the treshold of a dangerous decision..." or "she had forsaken...").

But that's really the only point, apart from this, the second disc is like a dream come true: Two of the best "extreme-longtrack-concept-works" ever on one album!
Anyway, that was always great about Edge of sanity, but somehow on "Crimson II" it's very hard to distinguish words and sounds from the growling, at least to my ears. I don't know, if this is a recording issue or sound issue, or due to the performances?
In my opinion, the growling could be a bit more clear, it would maybe add a lot of great moments to an already great album. Like in some parts, where you can understand some words, they really stand out (like "on the treshold of a dangerous decision..." or "she had forsaken...").
One big difference is that Dan isn't the only one growling on Crimson II.

Still haven't gotten my copy from Black Mark. :(
Ok, now I've also listened (several times) to the second disc, "Crimson II" sounds very good now! And finally, tracks for "Crimson I"! ;) By the way, has anyone ever thought of doing a kind of tracklist for "Crimson" (now possible for both parts)? I mean like where which lyrics start, etc.?

But one little thing is still kind of bugging me about "Crimson II": Although it sounds much better now, I still cannot understand any of the lyrics.

Musically, it's really a masterpiece, in my opinion. Songwriting, arrangements, performances, melodies, even every solo, etc., I love it! It's amazing how the song "flows" from beginning to end! But the growling feels kind of strange to me, because one thing I always loved about Edge of sanity was that you could understand the lyrics very well without reading the booklet. This was really great and somewhat more "catchy", compared to a lot of other death metal bands, without loosing the agression or brutality.

Or take Death, for example, one of my favourite bands. You could understand every word Chuck was singing, still he sounded more agressive, more pissed-off and scary than most of the other death metal vocalists. In fact, if I just understand things like "gurglaaargh", like with some other bands, it's not really brutal or scary, but ridiculous or funny ;)

Anyway, that was always great about Edge of sanity, but somehow on "Crimson II" it's very hard to distinguish words and sounds from the growling, at least to my ears. I don't know, if this is a recording issue or sound issue, or due to the performances?
In my opinion, the growling could be a bit more clear, it would maybe add a lot of great moments to an already great album. Like in some parts, where you can understand some words, they really stand out (like "on the treshold of a dangerous decision..." or "she had forsaken...").

But that's really the only point, apart from this, the second disc is like a dream come true: Two of the best "extreme-longtrack-concept-works" ever on one album!

No offense, but Chuck's vocals were horrific... you can't really understand his vocals live, at least, not in the live material that I've got my hands on from Death. On his albums it was cleaner but he still had an awful voice. Dan's death vocal work is probably unique in heavy metal in that he actually has range within his death metal voice. As in, you know, he enunciates words and can go high and low with the vocals. Best example of that is Purgatory Afterglow; Twilight is probably the best death metal song ever.
They've always been very good from the times I have ordered from them, and since they have just moved their office, things are probably a little messed up.