When are we going to start hating krampus?

When will we hate krampus?

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major lulz at Susperia.

Wasn't she the one who painted that fully detailed, life-like painting of one of the users on UM without his permission, in an almost stalker-like fashion?

Yeah Erik, who used to mod here but now only frequents RC. Classic internets. Last time I looked down there she was posting there as well, was a while ago though...
Who was the one who posted a picture of basically a rat between her boobs?

And if I remember correctly there was a stripper who joined at some point...edit: found her:

I could'nt really give a fuck less what this guy thinks of me. I make a great living mostly because of my looks. I don't need any validation. I just don't like haters.:heh:

Krampus seems alright compared to a lot of weird females who joined over the years.
sevag has me on ignore which is the fine and responsible way to deal with a poster you dislike/don't want to read about. unfortunately for him, he still has to see this embarrassingly long meta-thread about krampus when he opens Social.

I sort of wish I had pretended to be a man when I joined, this is kind of embarrassing but I am glad I have not yet reached Omni/Susperia infamy. And I don't have any boobs so I will not be spamming GMD with pictures of small animals between them.
Nuncheon responded to the typical "tits or gtfo" with tits. As far as I'm concerned, she's beyond reproach.
I don't hate anyone here for the record. Hard to hate someone you know nothing about (aside from their taste in music). I know I don't have any fans here myself, so I don't really see much point in "liking" anyone on this forum, regardless of gender or any other mitigating factors. Krampus is all right though, everyone here is all right by me.
I remember Susperia quite well from when I posted here under my old handle, and I thought the e-flirting between herself and about half the guys on the forum was fucking irritating.