When are we going to start hating krampus?

When will we hate krampus?

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I didn't even hate Dave.

She apparently also eventually "gtfo" as well. The ultimate misogynistic request: Tits AND gtfo!


I sort of wish I had pretended to be a man when I joined, this is kind of embarrassing but I am glad I have not yet reached Omni/Susperia infamy. And I don't have any boobs so I will not be spamming GMD with pictures of small animals between them.

wait...you're NOT going to post pictures of your boobs (with or without small animals between them)?! :mad:

this will result in the board turning against you

She was dodens with a vagina. dodens wanted her vagina. Nobody else wanted her vagina enough to tolerate her bitchiness. Eventually she left. Then she came back under another name, denied it, returned under her original name, and then left. dodens was heartbroken. He spiraled into depression and began popping pills. The story ends in murder-suicide.


s_a_o: Intelligent young girl, posted about metal more than most females (I mean women) that come to this forum, but still not often. When she posted, it was usually within the context of discussions that actually had substance, like politics or history. She left the forum because everybody was annoying to her and harassed and objectified her.

Susperia: Weird, overly emotional, somewhat gullible, somewhat attention-whoreish art student who annoyingly spoke about her interests/passions ranging from picking up trash and raising chickens to queefs and natural tampons. She got riled up very easily and combined with the fact that she was very judgemental, got into a lot of disagreements with almost everybody and eventually left because almost the entire forum was tired of her.

[Sidebar: Yes, she painted Erik. She took a photo that he posted of himself and a year later came back and posted a picture of this portrait. You can now purchase this painting for $800 I believe. Just imagine, you can now sleep peacefully under the watchful, protective eye of Erik Grahn.]

Omni: Possibly the most judgemental person that was ever on the forum. Nonetheless, she was intelligent and actually talked about music a lot. She spent too much time going out of her way to be condescending and deride people somewhat out of the blue for what she thought was just something stupid or bad musical taste. But that doesn't mean she was wrong, just that she was mean. I initially didn't like her and thought she was a bitch until she started talking to me and understood where she was coming from. Everyone thought it was amusing that we got along and agreed with each other on most things so they created this fiction in their heads that we were in love or something and called us Domni, which we went along with until it got old. She left initially because she had a computer problem (supposedly) and then just stayed away and now apparently doesn't have much time to spend online given increasingly time-intensive activities/responsibilities in her personal life. Contrary to what WAIF said, she never came back under a different name. It was an actually different person. Who oddly hasn't been around for a while, now that I think about it.

Mort Divine: A 19 year old lesbian pedophile who likes Paramore too much. He once wanted to run away with Susperia when she threatened to leave the forum but he must have realized that she's 'an older woman.'

I'm still friends with s_a_o, Susperia hates me and I'm not overly fond of her either, and I haven't spoken to Omni in a while.

As far as krampus goes, I don't dislike her at all, though I think she can be a little too chatty at times and talk about things I think are stupid, but that can be said for most of the forum. I don't have a problem with anybody unless they're being unnecessarily rude.
Oh wow, this thread delivers. It brings a sense of nostalgia to me especially since I used to lurk around ever since I was 15. I know all the posters you guys are talking about, and many many more.

As for Krampus. I think she's cool I got nothing against her, same goes with all the posters in this forum.
Contrary to what WAIF said, she never came back under a different name. It was an actually different person. Who oddly hasn't been around for a while, now that I think about it.

iirc somebody checked the ip and it was from the same town, and they both acted the same. But whatever.

When dodens thinks someone else is condescending, though...


Obviously that entry was there for comedic effect, and while the second half of that sentence I may have made up, the first half happened. :p

iirc somebody checked the ip and it was from the same town, and they both acted the same. But whatever.

When dodens thinks someone else is condescending, though...

Well I've talked to both people in question and would know better tbh.

Also, I regularly told Omni that she was too condescending and that she should cut back. I try not to be too mean or rude any more and am impatient with people who are, especially when it's directed toward me for no good reason.
The only thing with Val is she,

a). doesn't talk about metal at all really/never leaves Social, though she's explained why she doesn't do either, iirc

b). rarely contributes things other than funnehs/pictures of Thoth's sig in silly places in Social (OK she does contribute sometimes but she doesn't have the photography of Alina or the intense life-story-bearing qualities of krampus)

edit: i guess those are "things", not "the only thing" but w/e

She also likes computer games. At first krampus kind of bothered me for some strange reason until I started reading her posts.
We need more girls posting imo. So I'd never hate Krampus. She's cool in my book.

BTW what's not to like about Alina? God I love her pictures and her looks. Besides, she likes great music and posts cool stuff. I'm probably becoming her first official brazilian fan :lol:
Your age combined with your taste for Cattle Decapitation, Awaiting The Autopsy, and other such stuff.
Awaiting the Autopsy are really good

As for krampus, I think she's cool and a good poster but I don't think she deserves a thread, especially considering I myself have never had a thread devoted to me in all the years I have been posting here.