When do you lose your cool?


Problem Yet to be Solved
Jun 2, 2008
Great Plains of the U.S.
I noticed that there are particular subjects that get me excited in a completely apparent way. Usually I'm very calm and collected, but when someone mentions a relatively obscure band I'm into, I regress to a childlike state for a few minutes. A lot of people enjoy this, but a couple of my bandmates get irritated by it.

What makes you "lose your cool"?

And can we please not talk about erections for at least one page? I'd appreciate it.
There are lots of times in school where i wish that I could just lose my cool and go on a big rant but I'm too shy. I hate being the quiet kid. :erk:
Ignorant driving. People who spout opinions without anything substantial to go along with it.

@ Obama comparisons: Just compare him to GWBush. That would be the most accurate comparison.
When people call our house phone. I am always obligated to answer it when there are 3 other people in the room and next to it.
Sitting through bad traffic and trying to park downtown to be specific.

This really pisses me off as well.

Also, when restaurants or other public places have only one man bathrooms. I hate fucking waiting to use it while having to take a shit and or piss. I also hate when people are always tying to get in while i'm shitting.
Seriously. I was taking a shit in some little gas station in downtown LA one time, and sure enough, soon as I sit down some bitch starts knocking on the door. I wasn't in there long and she actually went and got the manager saying "I had been in there forever". I had to make a big to-do to convince him not to unlock the door from the outside while I was sitting there shitting.

What pisses me off is the people like this would be the same ones to tell you to fuck off and take their time if they were shitting.
People who talk or text during a movie. It is so amazingly disrespectful to everyone else in the theater. I don't know how people go through life being that selfish and uncaring about other people.

Violence against women. Thankfully I've never had to deal with this personally but hearing statistics about rape and other violence against women really upsets me.

People who have no understanding of history trying to refer to it. This has appeared a lot recently with the hysterics of the tea party movement. Obviously calling a Obama a socialist is absurd but the worst I've remember hearing is when someone referred to Henry Ford being a good American who fought against that communist Hitler. Just so many things wrong with that statement.