When do you think this era of music will end?

Metal head87 said:
Crying emo vocals: Waaaaahhhh, My Daddy didn't love me
Crying emo (c)rap vocals: Yo yo yo, daddy is a no show
Crying emo vocals: Waaaaahhhh, my boyfriend, I mean girlfriend broke up with me
Crying emo (c)rap vocals: Yo yo yo, his girlfriend's a ho.
Crying emo Austin Powers: Daddy wasn't there! To take me to the fair! To change my underwear!
Crying emo Kim Jong II:
I'm So Ronery , I'm so ronery, So ronery,So ronery and sadry arone

There's no one, Just me onry, Sitting on my rittle throne, I work very hard and make up great prans, But nobody ristens, no one understands, Seems that no one takes me serirousry,

And so I'm ronery, A rittle ronery, Poor rittle me,

There's nobody, I can rerate to, Feer rike a bird in a cage, It's kinda sirry, But not rearry, Because it's firring my body with rage,

I'm the smartest most crever most physicarry fit, But nobody else seems to rerarize it, When I change the world maybe they'll notice me, But until then, I'll just be ronery, A rittle ronery, poor rittle me, I'm so ronery.
lizard said:
I love cuddlin. As a husband I've learned that not only is holding your loved one very special, it can also result in ...um...benificial results for all involved :blush:
The possibilities of cuddling are seemless and infinite.