When the album is leaked?

Originally posted by WrthChild
I hope it does not get leaked. I want to buy it at the record store on release day, although if it appears online earlier, my will to resist will not be very strong.

yeah,i know what you mean.Ever since i found out how to use IRC,and got a cd burner,i havent been able to resist waiting for anything.So i do hope that this doesnt get leaked in a sense.

But if it does,im going to download the album the moment it gets leaked.Theres no way ill be able to resist.

I mean,c'mon,ITS FUCKING OPETH!!
Originally posted by Speedkill
Well, there was that one guy, Deadlift, that said he had it.

He's stupid and full of shit.

But the promos are already out. People have been talking about it. It just hasn't leaked yet.
how do you know that the promos are out.im not saying your wrong,im just curious as to how you can tell that they are out.

and yes,deadlift is a stupid little cunt.the end...
I think the promo is out because members of katatonia have the album on their playlists(www.katatonia.com - members section) and mike portnoy reviewed the album.(btw,dream theater sucks...)
I simply detest that whole concept of downloading an entire album off the internet. Whoever is doing that is ripping off Opeth, because not everyone who downloads it early is going to buy the actual record (as I intend to, the day it is released and not sooner). I will wait for it, just like everyone else should. If people have any respect for the bands that they claim to like so much, they'll buy their records and show some reverence for what these musicians are trying to do. For chrissakes.
i realy don't care about people that don't like all this thing about donwloading music from the web...

when damnation appears at soulssek's interface i'm pretty sure i'll download everything remorseless...up to today i still don't have deliverance 'cause the only store here to my home had problems...and there's noone else closer, so, i still have to wait...

by the way, i'm happy because i could donwload the full album (deliverance) and i saw how good it is and i hope to buy it as soon as possible...

thanks soulssek, i love you...
Blah. The point is, are you going to buy it? If so, I have no problem with downloading it to see if you'll like it. There are plenty of bands I've heard via Mp3 who I then decided were worth checking out, and went and bought the record. But to download it, and then not buy it "cuz I have it on mp3" and make no contribution to the band's career - and then call oneself a "fan" is hypocrisy at its peak.
Stop this. Stop it.

Stop defining fan, because you can't.

And as for the whole file downloading thing, people can talk it to death, but no one will change their mind, and no one will EVER be able to determine if mp3's hurt or help Opeth. There are too many factors to calculate. The whole discussion is a waste of time, IMO.