Character leaked

How would this change with the CD?
The music is why you get the CD, so getting it in MP3s doesn't affect
that at all. Don't get me wrong, I like mine in CD form too, but I just
don't see getting it in MP3 effecting that reaction at all.

By the way..I know what you mean...I overreacted a little dosent change much...but I dont know...I want to wait for its release : )
Dark idea said:
Why cant some people understand that the clean vocals were nice but it aint Dark Tranquillity
Nope. That's kind of like saying that the Loads weren't Metallica.
Dark idea said:
Everybody knows that The gallery and TMI are like the best of the best!
And nope.

You should learn how to use the quote feature, that post above mine kind of confused me at first.
you say nope, but look at the facts : Stanne did one album with clean was great, projector is a very good album, but what is the image of Dark Tranquillity? A band with clean vocals or with growls?? I think it is with growls because of the fact that all the albums with the exeption of one is growl oriented..if Dark Tranquillity would bring some clean vocals out again...well fine like I said, Stanne Sings very well but that isint the case right now. So i'm not saying that Dark Tranquillity should be a band with only some growls but after so many years..I imagine that the hole band likes the growls and want to continue with them cause they keep on using them on every song of each album. I think my point is clear on this.

For the Gallery and The Mind's I : Ok I admitt it is on a personla view that I say this. Usually when there is a show of Dark Tranquillity and that they announce Punish my Heaven, people always shout so loud. People keep on saying : finally some riffs like TMI and The Gallery and lets face it..these 2 albums are pure peices of art. Personaly when I spoke with people of Dark Tranquillity 2 things came up the most : They fucking rock and that all there albums are great and The gallery is such a good album! Its like my culte I do have reason to believe that these 2 albums were some of DT's best work ( not that it aint good now cause it is really amazing)
For the quote thing : I know.....I suck at this : /
Dark Tranquillity has an image? I don't see what's so hard to understand. The music that they make is the music that they make - is Dark Tranquillity. You can't just say that clean vocals "aren't Dark Tranqullity". Why should Dark Tranquillity be a band with just growls or clean vocals? It's not like Projector is an album with just clean vocals or growls.
The fucking spooky thing is everything they write, I can't help but like. What the hell is it that creates their sound? :err: (Ok, Archetype is an exception)

Maybe it's just the lyrical themes that sides well with my personality, aside from the music.

AND I HATE PEOPLE who say PUNISH MY HEAVEN is the best DT song EVAH! FUCK OFF! Why live in the past? :lol: Ever heard of creativity and evolving? :err:
What I wrote in my post was the same thing that you did. I said that It dosent bother if they have clean vocals cause they rock but that for the past 3 or 4 years they used only growls so for now they must enjoy the growls. Of course the sound they make and play is there own sound. They do the music for them selve first, but what i'm triing to show here is that they use in general growls and that if someone starts to listen to Dark Tranquillity well he will here in general some I'm opened to anything that come from DT, but like I said, if they would really like to be a band that shows off the clean vocals...well they would probably do so, and for the last 3 to 4 years they put only I repeat, i'm not saying that they are a only growl band or anything like that, i'm saying that they look satisfied with the sound they have now, and that the sound they have now is a sound with fast melodies, with a heavy sound, with a keyboard that does alot of nice atmospheres and a vocal that uses very powerfull growls. So to finish on this point : What ever DT will do, i'll respect it cause they are the ones to compose it and I dont have to deciede what they must play, but looking at what there sound is for the last 3 to 4 years, well I think it is obvious that these guys like the sound they have and I dont see whats the probleme with that??
And by the way Lost To Apathy : I never said that it was my favorite track, my favorite is format C : For Cortex, but why dont you let people have there opinions? Dont you find it dumb to post something like : // AND I HATE PEOPLE who say PUNISH MY HEAVEN is the best DT song EVAH! FUCK OFF! Why live in the past? Ever heard of creativity and evolving? // Ever heard of opinions and that a favorite song has nothing to do with evolving! Your triing to say that your favorite song needs to be a new one???
Yeah.. it's pathetic, because punish my heaven isn't a very good song to begin with. Other then that, I don't care what song is your favorite. I have lots of favorite songs from all albums, but that one in particular disturbs me to no end. If I go to a DT show I dont WANT TO HEAR punish my heaven, I'm serious! It's so overdone and boring :zzz: What message does it have? It's the same 1995 thing over and over, that people cling onto for no good reason. Heh.
Ok I understand your is overdone..they could play endenspring insted : ) But I do like this I aint my favorite song...and yes I do have alot of favorite songs...but the one that ( for now) gets me the most is format c : for cortex!!
Lost To Apathy said:
If I go to a DT show I dont WANT TO HEAR punish my heaven, I'm serious! It's so overdone and boring :zzz: What message does it have? It's the same 1995 thing over and over, that people cling onto for no good reason. Heh.
hope the DT guys won't hear you and hope they will be keeping on playing it and also all the old wonderful songs that i love so much!!!i mean, maybe you've seen DT live 323442342347 times,maybe you saw them at the very start so it's obvious you're bored!but me i'd been pretty disappointed if i couldn't hear my fave old songs which then are the history of melodic death metal.
about character i haven't listened to it yet,but it's a stupid lack of mine:when my fave artists release a new album i'm so excited and get crazy to have it,but then i listen to it jumping here and there and then i ages pass and i don't have any opinion about it.finally ,after ages!,i listen to the same thing all the time (like now i'm listening to "there in live" for the all evening long :guh:
about Mikael,me personally i prefer his growling voice, not cos "it's DT" but cos i love it for the sound it has and then cos i think he's the only one-maybe with Anders of iF-that SINGS when GROWLING.the others just yell.
Dark idea said:
Why cant some people understand that the clean vocals were nice but it aint Dark Tranquillity...DT is a Melodic Death metal band with incredible growls and great composition behind it. If it sounds a little bit like older stuff......were is the probleme???? Everybody knows that The gallery and TMI are like the best of the best! I did not hear character because I am waiting for its release.but from what I have heard...its sounds like some pure DT. They tried different things with projector and Haven and now they do a straiter album! Lets just enjoy there work cause I know it must be incredible.
Both Gallery & Minds I had some clean vocals. Character has no clean vocals at all. Your argument is utterly worthless.

Edit: And why can't you use the quote system properly? It's a single button you press on the person's post. It sure as hell ain't rocket science. ;)
Lost To Apathy said:
Yeah.. it's pathetic, because punish my heaven isn't a very good song to begin with. Other then that, I don't care what song is your favorite. I have lots of favorite songs from all albums, but that one in particular disturbs me to no end. If I go to a DT show I dont WANT TO HEAR punish my heaven, I'm serious! It's so overdone and boring :zzz: What message does it have? It's the same 1995 thing over and over, that people cling onto for no good reason. Heh.

What makes you think any DT song at all ever had any message, even when the band members keep telling your dumb fucking ass that they REFUSE to explain their lyrics because they are abstract?

And since when LIKING THE GODDAMN SONG is not a good reason? Now you are telling me that my personal taste is not a good reason to like a song just because you're just a stupid fucking newbie that thinks he's so cool and openminded because he doesnt likes Punish My Heaven? fuck off you worthless idiot
That wasn't a very good flaming, but I stick to my opinion that Punish My Heaven sucks donkey ass! :grin: And I never said you couldn't like it, just that I think it's silly to go around worshipping some fucking song all the time, like the holy grail. It isn't. And I don't mean meaning as in purpose, but as in content. Guess about being abstract, that's the point and Punish My Heaven is less good at it. It makes me laugh. Another song from the gallery that is godlike is Lethe however, so I'm not discriminating against it. Can you explain to me why everyone is worshipping that song? I would like to know, as that would explain the self-proclaiming phenomena.
I already explained: some of us just like the song. Its really aggressive yet extremely sentimental, the melodies are superb and the lyrics really fit the song as it changes and progressively slows down.

I guess most people likes it because similar reasons, but i suspect alot of people likes it because is very complex and interesting musically speaking, like an explosion of melody and harmony that works perfectly and does not turns into degenerated madness.

Plus there is the Nostalgia factor.
Well about my argument that dosent work because of clean vocals on the galleire and TMI didint read my post cause you would understand that I meant it is almost all growls...anyways...this is sooo stupid, we are all shouting at each other because someone likes one song but not that one...I mean come on!!!