Where are we from?

every time i log in, there is one special thought that crosses my mind: is this the day shamateur has made a post i do actually understand? :zombie: nope
haha i guess you're right. i should have read shamateur post in context with that alcohol talk, but i was not quite sure if this was the booze thread. cheers
No, unfortumately it wasn't personal meeting.
A friend of mine was on Pain concert far away from my city, where he got his autograph. Lately he sent it to me.
Liking the color, liking the soapbar elements. Disliking the body, i'm not a huge fan of "extreme" forms for guitars. I got myself a ARIA Pro II IGB50/5 . It's a J Bass (i just love that pick up system) probably gonna cust it by getting some other elements in it :). Plays us a sample when you got it i'm kinda intrested on how it sounds.
dude you call that extreme body LOL you havent seen my axes :P

color is simple see thru black with flamed maple top, but it gets the job done

less than 1000$ for a 5 strings neck thru + mahogany body + active EMG'S pups....thats a great deal