Where are we from?

dude you call that extreme body LOL you havent seen my axes :p

color is simple see thru black with flamed maple top, but it gets the job done

less than 1000$ for a 5 strings neck thru + mahogany body + active EMG'S pups....thats a great deal

It's too extreme for my taste. I don't call it extreme as i've seen waaaay more extreme shapes. Just saying it ain't my thing. If i'd be playing a guitar i'd be playing a Fender No Caster or probably something from Jackson. I'm considering to buy my warwick soon (Corvette $$) so yeah that explains something of my taste in guitars i guess .

And i was just talking about the looks not the specs. Becouse the specs on that thing are insane for that price.
its here with me :D

1200$ for bass + case + taxes

exepensive shit but gorgeous bass, lighter than I would have imagined

Currently at work, its right next to my desk grrr but I'll post a couple of pics soon incuding family pics with my AX 400 and my Jackson KV2
Low quality pics form a blackberry




yes all these axes look pretty metal :kickass:

But Turbulle out-metal them all, I mean she looks like the fucking queen of darkness throwing some deadly eye-rays at you or something

she is SO gonna be the front-lady of my future hypothetic Black metal band, I mean, Im sure she can sing in a more understandable way than Chris Barnes, lol
yes all these axes look pretty metal :kickass:

But Turbulle out-metal them all, I mean she looks like the fucking queen of darkness throwing some deadly eye-rays at you or something

she is SO gonna be the front-lady of my future hypothetic Black metal band, I mean, Im sure she can sing in a more understandable way than Chris Barnes, lol

Maybe like: Meeeeeeeeoooooooooow hiss hiss screeeeeeeeeetch!!
Then lazers can shoot out of her eyes.
Here is aqautory of Sea port of Vladivostok (Commercial on the left and Fish on the right) with some territories of city of Vladivostok dead ahead.
