Where are we from?


Hmmm should go here again soon ...it's allmost spring again :) I missed the mountains...
Sure damned is! ^^

Wicklow mountains to be exact , or if you want to be really bitchy about it it's the nature reservoir around lake Glendalough.
Alex here from Shit Lake City, Ut


Well, its ok here I guess. I seen Hypocrisy here about 2 or 3 times and shared some beers with Peter and Horgh back about 5 or 6 years ago. Even gave him a copy of my band Terra Noir's demo.

Favorite album is probably Abducted. Me and my Fiancee hope to move to Scotland or somewhere in the eastern side of the world somewhere in the future.
well yeah :p
I also happened to nuke Bagdad at some point but I think the best was when I launched 6 nukes at the same time on the USA :p They surrendered within 3 months.
and I was playing Italy! Which of course became the real power of the axis, I mean I had taken the USSR too. In fact by the beginning of the 60's, most of the world was eating spaghettis.

I recommand this (awesome) game to everyone who likes strategy games, prolly the best and most elaborated modern war strategy game ever
Ah man -_- I don't have that much spare time at my work. There was this great game i used to play online as well. You were developing a disease, virus or bacteria that would need to whipe out the human nation. You could give it all kinds of skills and a bar would say what would happen to the world. I turned the world in to completly numb flesh eating zombies with a certain bacteria :') WAS FUN!
lol I dont have time to play at my job neither, Im working 45 hours a week without taking any pauses...I post around from time to time while waiting for confirmation numbers from manufacturers.

and I dont game much anymore neither...been playing Half Life episode 2 lately tho, simply too good.
hahahah the problem begins when you stop making other things and act like a fuckin nerd like this one, maybe you know him :lol:


anyway, that place looks beautiful Skanmar, i'll post some pics from a place where i was some weeks ago
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A baby died in Korea a couple of years ago because the parents where too busy playing WoW


Anyway, most of us have seen the South Park episode of world of warcraft...
Enough said :worship:
I play WoW...yet my world doesn't revolve around it. Got a job , a life ...only thing that's missing is a band and a girl. But meh. Living the good life ^^
The Faceless and Obscura = WIN!!!!

Neuraxis and CC = meh -_-".

dude, CANNIBAL CORPSE fucking owns!!!
Legendary they are, not to mention that they are better than ever!

have you heard Kill and Evisceration plague? Man you cannot NOT like those !!!

ps : Obscura = win indeed, man Cosmogenesis is a brilliant album. these guys make intelligent music
dude, CANNIBAL CORPSE fucking owns!!!
Legendary they are, not to mention that they are better than ever!

have you heard Kill and Evisceration plague? Man you cannot NOT like those !!!

ps : Obscura = win indeed, man Cosmogenesis is a brilliant album. these guys make intelligent music

The reason why i don't like CC is simple. I just don't like the cally death metal sound. I like brutal shit don't get me wrong but i just prefer scandinavian death metal. There might be a few exceptions but in general meh...
fuck off

Corpsegrinder totally OWNS Barnes

Barnes sounds like an anus

Kill is heavier than all the Barnes era albums put together (ok ok Tomb was good)