Where can I buy clothes not made in fucked up countries ?

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Fuck you rapucore.
I'm not an expert with those countries, I'll hand you that. I edited my post above; I might have mistaken Pakistan with another one a little, but still!
In Pakistan; 1/3 of the 10 years old never attended school. I don't want them to make my clothes and get paid less than what's needed to eat.

Now, how you gentle neosociopolitical saviors would you qualify India ?
Maybe you can change my point of view, go ahead please.

Anyway, I enjoy buying from other countries where I can expect GREAT quality;
Japan, South Korea;
Germany, Sweden,
Cigars from Cuba,
Scotch from Scotland

It's not about being a white supremacist, I have many different origins in my blood myself :lol:.
We're invaded by chineese products which are very poorly made and that is not good for our economy


As for Pakistan: I don't want to wear clothes made by someone who wishes that everyone in my country and the US gets their throats cut for not praising Hallah. Furthermore, from a place where women are less important that dogs. It's not a "racial thing" but I guess it's a cultural one. When they'll treat their own people with gender equaliy, respect their choices/beleifs and don't want to kill everybody in America; I won't have a problem with the culture. I don't care about the skin or origin of someone, I want to know what's in their mind and hopefully we can get along.
Sorry guys, this post is in (Québec) French.

Sacrament, tu me fais presque honte d'être québécois. À presque chaque post de toi que je lis, les rares fois que je viens sur le forum, j'ragequit.

Pour quelqu'un qui a dit dans le passé avoir vécu à Montréal pendant un bout de temps, tu dois pas y avoir cotoyé beaucoup de gens d'autres origines. Le cas échéant, tu comprendrais que l'exception extrémiste n'est pas la norme et que le fanatisme religieux n'est pas caractéristique d'une population, mais bien de ses dirigeants. Ça arrive particulièrement dans des sociétés structurellement faibles où les forces extrémistes sont en place depuis plus longtemps et deviennent donc les seuls corps assez organisés pour diriger le pays.

Pis qu'est-ce que t'en sais de si c'est bon ou non pour notre économie ? :u-huh: Google "avantages comparatifs", tu vas catcher que la raison pourquoi la manufacture est en Chine, c'est pour qu'on se consacre de notre côté à ce qui nécessite plus de recherche et développement.

Anyway I'm out. :lol:

IN FRENCH, DIDN'T READ; the ignorance reeking from this post pissed me off to a level prompting me to react heavily in his (our) mother tongue... even if it's just some dude in the Internet.
Fuck you rapucore.

Cheers, buddy.

I'm not an expert with those countries, I'll hand you that.

So why the fuck do you feel the need to slander whole countries based on just a percent of things that might or might not have happened there?
Sure, there are a lot of sweatshops around the world, where children under the age of 10 work for +14 hours/~dollar/day.
That just doesn't mean that the whole country is a rotten piece of shit slaving people to produce awful t-shirts under horrible circumstances.

I never said that you were a racist asshole, I just mentioned that you make yourself look like one. I'm sure you'd be a great person if one was to get to know you, I myself just happen to disagree heavily with some of your posts.

There's all kinds of horrible things happening even in the wealthiest and safest countries in the world.
One is not expected to accept that, but why disrespect a whole country? I just don't get that.

Anyway, there were great links for gaining knowledge of where to buy quality products, I have nothing else to add.

Sorry guys, this post is in (Québec) French.

Sacrament, tu me fais presque honte d'être québécois. À presque chaque post de toi que je lis, les rares fois que je viens sur le forum, j'ragequit.

Pour quelqu'un qui a dit dans le passé avoir vécu à Montréal pendant un bout de temps, tu dois pas y avoir cotoyé beaucoup de gens d'autres origines. Le cas échéant, tu comprendrais que l'exception extrémiste n'est pas la norme et que le fanatisme religieux n'est pas caractéristique d'une population, mais bien de ses dirigeants. Ça arrive particulièrement dans des sociétés structurellement faibles où les forces extrémistes sont en place depuis plus longtemps et deviennent donc les seuls corps assez organisés pour diriger le pays.

Pis qu'est-ce que t'en sais de si c'est bon ou non pour notre économie ? :u-huh: Google "avantages comparatifs", tu vas catcher que la raison pourquoi la manufacture est en Chine, c'est pour qu'on se consacre de notre côté à ce qui nécessite plus de recherche et développement.

From what I got out of Google Translate, this text was great. +1 :kickass:
Tabarouette, tu rages-quit pour pas grand chose.
Tu dois être contre la Charte des Valeurs hein ? ;)

Je pense qu'entre parler en personne et écrire sur un forum y'a une différence au ton et degré d'interpretation.. frustres-toi pas trop pour rien, c'est internet.

Tu peux voir que j'ai éditer mon post originale aussi; une grosse partie des raisons est que des enfants sous-payés fabriquent tes gilets de métal au lieu d'aller apprendre à lire et avoir un avenir. Ça m'écoeure à en vomir.


I had to reply in our nordic lumberjack language.

edit: rapucore; I understand your point of view and I can agree. I should not insult a whole country for a minority of extremists. I'm a bit overwhelmed sometimes.
The more expensive EU brands are usually made in EU. [...]
Can you name a few? Just curious. I'm always looking to improve my shopping and I'm not aware of any brands around here that fit your description.

As far as I know all the regular store bought stuff basically comes from some place east of Turkey. Also I'm pretty sure American Apparel isn't produced "fair" any longer.

When shopping you can try and look out for the GOTS seal as a sign of quality. Furthermore things like the Fair Wear Foundation will ensure working conditions aren't straight up torture. Earth Positive is another good brand.

Here's the problem though: Most of this stuff is only available to resellers that print their own logos on them like other brands and bands. I've looked into this stuff myself and it's ridiculous how small the prize difference is. I can't really understand why anyone would choose stuff like Fruit of the Loom or Gildan over the their better alternatives mentioned above. Yet A LOT of people do.

Always pisses me of when you have some overly political band (like Rise Against) singing about these exact issues and then you walk over to their merch booth after the show and all you see is the cheapest Gildan piece of shit they could find...

Here's another problem: Most of the "good" clothes are only "upper body apparel". Have you ever seen a Fair Trade pair of jeans of chinos? More like fairly traded...

Btw: Anyone knows any shoes that are not made in Sweatshops? All I know are these. They are made in Portugal and I own a pair of their Mens Shoes. While they already have a wide range they still can't outfit you for every occasion and if you have feet that are somewhat shaped out of the ordinary you can't necessarily wear their shoes.
Common sense tells me I have nothing to add to this. Fuck common sense.

Why don't you go fucking save the whales, reverse global warming, end global hunger and buy your mum a nice pair of ear rings before you go getting your dick in a twist about where your jeans are made.
Btw: Anyone knows any shoes that are not made in Sweatshops? All I know are these. They are made in Portugal and I own a pair of their Mens Shoes. While they already have a wide range they still can't outfit you for every occasion and if you have feet that are somewhat shaped out of the ordinary you can't necessarily wear their shoes.
I believe Topman shoes are still made in Finland and they are very good quality: http://www.topman.fi/eng

Also Finnish M.A.S.I Company produces brands like Lee Cooper jeans and Fredrikson clothes: http://www.masicompany.fi/site/content/view/982/68/
Are you nuts? We are anti fascists. It has nothing to do with the color of the skin, we keep the oppressors at bay.

Then why is it only pro-white organizations that Antifa targets? I'm not trying to play devil's advocate here, but my experience with Antifas haven't been very positive. I got a bottle thrown at me at a pub a while back for wearing a shirt that said "Full Blooded Irish" in the FBI style.

A quick google search is pretty telling where Antifas interests lie. It's not the erradication of all prejudice, its the erradication of white prejudice. To me, that's not good enough. They're just bullies on the other side of the argument.
Then why is it only pro-white organizations that Antifa targets?

Not around here. We deal mostly with neonazi, white supremacists, homophobes, xenophobes and sexists. We want our scene free of these scumbags and for that we don't take lightly this kind of behaviour. We had far too many people murdered due to intolerance.

I have no idea of the context in Ireland for you to get into trouble because of your shirt, what exactly were you implying with that statement nor which kind of people usually wear stuff like that, but I'm pretty sure it has more to do with nationalism than with being white. In most countries extreme nationalism goes hand in hand with xenophobia.
Not around here. We deal mostly with neonazi, white supremacists, homophobes, xenophobes and sexists. We want our scene free of these scumbags and for that we don't take lightly this kind of behaviour. We had far too many people muerdered due to intolerance.

I have no idea of the context in Ireland for you to get into trouble because of your shirt, what exactly were you implying with that statement nor which kind of people usually wear stuff like that, but I'm pretty sure it has more to do with nationalism than with being white. In most countries extreme nationalism goes hand in hand with xenophobia.

I live in NYC, I'm Irish, I was out drinking with friends, many of which weren't white. There was a table full of SHARPs and Antifas drinking behind us and one of them chucked a bottle at me and called me a bonehead. But that's just one incident. Needless to say I'm not a damn skinhead or white supremacist. I just had an Irish shirt.

I do not support white supremacy or white power skinheads in any way, and I understand the desire to do the right thing, but physically attacking people for thinking differently than you do is what is called bullying, regardless of your cause.

I just wish the Antifas and WP Skinheads could keep their fighting among each other, and not involve people outside the scene who might have mixed opinions about both sides of tolerance and intolerance. WTF happened to having intelligent discussion?
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