Where do I start with Emperor?

SPLASTiK said:
Any reccomendations in the Wolves of the Throne Room and Weakling sort of vein? I dig both bands and side projects quite a bit already.

Leviathan is like Weakling, except without the shitty meandering compositions that go nowhere. Check out The Tenth Sub Level of Suicide.
the_drip said:
wow I jus tlooked up "alteredmindeath" on webster .com here's what I got...

Main Entry: alteredmindeath
Pronunciation: 'fAl-y&r
Function: noun
Etymology: alteration of earlier failer, from Anglo-French, from Old French faillir to fail
1 a : omission of occurrence or performance; specifically : a failing to perform a duty or expected action <failure to pay the rent on time> b (1) : a state of inability to perform a normal function <kidney failure> -- compare HEART FAILURE (2) : an abrupt cessation of normal functioning <a power failure> c : a fracturing or giving way under stress <structural failure>
2 a : lack of success b : a failing in business : BANKRUPTCY
3 a : a falling short : DEFICIENCY <a crop failure> b : DETERIORATION, DECAY
4 : one that has failed

The only ones that have failed are the ones trying to piss me off :lol:

immortal - pure holocaust
burzum - burzum/aske, det som engang var, hvis lyset tar oss, filosofem
darkthrone - transilvanian hunger, panzerfaust, under a funeral moon, a blaze in the northern sky
bathory - under the sign of the black mark, blood fire death
enslaved - vikinglgr veldi
mayhem - live in leipzig, de mysteriis dom sathanas
emperor - in the nightside eclipse
gorgoroth - antichrist
ulver - bergtatt
graveland - thousand swords
summoning - dol guldur
beherit - drawing down the moon
necromantia - scarlet evil witching black
varathron - his majesty at the swamp

less essential still great:

nokturnal mortum - goat horns, lunar poetry (all their albums are pretty good)
deathspell omega - si monumentum requires circumspice
drudkh - all of them
mutiilation - remains of a dead ruined cursed soul, vampires of black imperial blood
vlad tepes/belketre - march to the black holocaust (split)
alcest - le secret
nocternity - onyx
krieg - the black house, patrick bateman
antaeus - cut your flesh and worship satan
moonblood - blut and krieg
velvet cacoon - genevieve
graveland - memory and destiny + anything after memory and destiny
demoncy - joined in darkness
gontyna kry - welowie

obviously much more but whatever
An update:

So far, I've listened toEmperor - Nightside, Anthems, and Summoning - Stronghold. Good suggestions on those! Gang, my only real knowledge of BM was (oh shit, I hate to admit this...) COF and DB. :erk: Then I heard WitTR and thought that maybe I should check out more, better BM. So, this has been very cool.

My first impressions of Nightside are that it is way more complex than I had imagined it to be, and it had some utterly jaw-dropping moments. The standout for me on a single listen was "A Fine Day to Die". I'm sure I'll discover much more on multiple listenings. I listened in the dark, undisturbed as directed, btw. :) How anyone can even speak after singing like that baffles me. It almost made my throat hurt!

Anthems sounded slicker, more straight singing, but still lots to love. Nothing really jumped out at me, but that's because I really loved it all. I'll be spending more time with this, too.

Stronghold was obviously very different from the Emperor stuff, but I enjoyed it. Much more atmospheric and mellow. My one issue with it was that the female vocals were pretty terrible. She sounded flat a number of times on these long held out notes, and it was cringe inducing. Other than that, very cool.

About to listen to Abigor - Nachthymnen now.

I'm really enjoying this, thanks for all the sugestions everyone.
soundave said:
An update:

So far, I've listened toEmperor - Nightside, Anthems, and Summoning - Stronghold. Good suggestions on those! Gang, my only real knowledge of BM was (oh shit, I hate to admit this...) COF and DB. :erk: Then I heard WitTR and thought that maybe I should check out more, better BM. So, this has been very cool.

My first impressions of Nightside are that it is way more complex than I had imagined it to be, and it had some utterly jaw-dropping moments. The standout for me on a single listen was "A Fine Day to Die". I'm sure I'll discover much more on multiple listenings. I listened in the dark, undisturbed as directed, btw. :) How anyone can even speak after singing like that baffles me. It almost made my throat hurt!


Not sure if you know but this is a Bathory cover.
soundave said:
So, I've only just begun to develop a taste for Black Metal, and I've been told time and again to check out Emperor. Is it best to start at the beginning? What's the best way to experience their catalogue?

1. With Strenght I Burn
2. Ensorcelled by Khaos
3. Beyond the Great Vast Forest
4. Ob-la-di, ob-la-da
5. I am the Black Wizards
6. Grey
7. Wordless Chamber
Midwinter_melancholY said:
1. With Strenght I Burn
2. Ensorcelled by Khaos
3. Beyond the Great Vast Forest
4. Ob-la-di, ob-la-da
5. I am the Black Wizards
6. Grey
7. Wordless Chamber

Curse You All Men?
So, I really dug the Emperor. I only have the live disc and WotT left to get.

Also, really like Abigor - Nachthymnen. Is the rest of their stuff up to that standard?