Where To Go With The New Album?

Explain how In Flames is mainstream. I'm not saying it's evil, I just want to know why you say they are.

I've heard a Soilwork song on the radio before ("Exile" to be specific, not a good example, but still) and that doesn't mean they're mainstream.
Mainstream, in this context, is used to denote accessible music and a generally accessible aesthetic, combined with attempts at marketing to people outside the extreme metal audience.

And if you think that doesn't apply to IF, you're fucking stupid.
in flames are not as mainstream as say nickelback and shit like that but they are becoming more increasingly popular, just a couple of years back I'd tell someone my favorite band was in flames and they'd have no idea who i was talking about and now it seems like everyone who listens to a hard rock station around here has heard cloud connected
in flames are not as mainstream as say nickelback and shit like that but they are becoming more increasingly popular, just a couple of years back I'd tell someone my favorite band was in flames and they'd have no idea who i was talking about and now it seems like everyone who listens to a hard rock station around here has heard cloud connected

thank you. This is what I'm talking about.
Not sure what you're talking about, adhmerr. Not a single person I know has heard any song by In Flames, and even know who they are. There's one guy I've seen with a Colony shirt, but that's it.

See, Cloud Connected was pretty mainstream. Their newer stuff wouldn't get on the radio because there's screaming and basically screaming = no no to local stations. Maybe on a satellite radio, but like hell it's going to be played on any station near me.
Not sure what you're talking about, adhmerr. Not a single person I know has heard any song by In Flames, and even know who they are. There's one guy I've seen with a Colony shirt, but that's it.

See, Cloud Connected was pretty mainstream. Their newer stuff wouldn't get on the radio because there's screaming and basically screaming = no no to local stations. Maybe on a satellite radio, but like hell it's going to be played on any station near me.

Your experience is not necessarily representative of the rest of the world.
in flames are not as mainstream as say nickelback and shit like that but they are becoming more increasingly popular, just a couple of years back I'd tell someone my favorite band was in flames and they'd have no idea who i was talking about and now it seems like everyone who listens to a hard rock station around here has heard cloud connected

:kickass: That's great news! Awesome

Can I get an AMEN? :D

I'm not contradicting myself. Your not having heard them is a statistical anomaly. They aren't the Beatles, but for a non-American metal band they're quite well known.