Food for the Gods
Behind Space
If you guys haven't realized that hibernal_dream's greatest hobby is being sarcastic, then you're all idiots.

in flames are not as mainstream as say nickelback and shit like that but they are becoming more increasingly popular, just a couple of years back I'd tell someone my favorite band was in flames and they'd have no idea who i was talking about and now it seems like everyone who listens to a hard rock station around here has heard cloud connected
Not sure what you're talking about, adhmerr. Not a single person I know has heard any song by In Flames, and even know who they are. There's one guy I've seen with a Colony shirt, but that's it.
See, Cloud Connected was pretty mainstream. Their newer stuff wouldn't get on the radio because there's screaming and basically screaming = no no to local stations. Maybe on a satellite radio, but like hell it's going to be played on any station near me.
in flames are not as mainstream as say nickelback and shit like that but they are becoming more increasingly popular, just a couple of years back I'd tell someone my favorite band was in flames and they'd have no idea who i was talking about and now it seems like everyone who listens to a hard rock station around here has heard cloud connected
because adhmerr is an example of something that is common, where as you are an aberration.
They are not mainstream.
I'm serious. It's weird that you haven't heard them on the radio. Many, many people have.