Start Bashing In Flames' New Album Now.

You guys are sheep, its incredible! This one guy says to bash them, and you guys all follow! See thats whats wrong with society, not the people making the music... you... you all go against... For fuck sakes, sit back and enjoy. Your not happy? Go make your own fuckin cd, I wanna hear it. You try Making a milllion people fuckin happy and Like your music. you can't make everyone fuckin happy in life. And it makes Me sick how you follow each other!
you fucking guys are gay...if you don't like In Flames...SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH...and don't listen to them...I don't fucking care about how the new album will be...if on the cover you find the name IN FLAMES...the album's going to be FUCKING GOOD...In Flames are making an album that they are going to love...whatever In Flames going to do i'm going to follow them...Reroute To Remain was a fucking great album! They show the world they can ENVOLVE in their music...(actually R2R is not Nu-Metal you idiots...Slipknot are new GAY metal...) If you've heard the new song Watch Them Feed you'll see they are not sold out...that's the same HEAVY and LOUD METAL Riffs that makes In Flames what they are...I don't care if Anders growls or sing with a clean voice...that's Anders! You are fucking close minded..."if the singer is not screaming from the beginning to the end is not metal" FUCK THAT...Metal is a way of life... anyway people like you should not listen to Metal..As another exemple...a lot of people are complaining about the new COB album...what's wrong with you? They are ENVOLVING...but that's the same COB music...seriously you are sheeps...if someone tell that this album or that band is crap (even if you like that band or album), to be like everyone you are going to say that the person is right and the album suck and the band too... fuck off i hate you...
COBHC "Voi Vittu!" said:
you fucking guys are gay...if you don't like In Flames...SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH...and don't listen to them...I don't fucking care about how the new album will be...if on the cover you find the name IN FLAMES...the album's going to be FUCKING GOOD...In Flames are making an album that they are going to love...whatever In Flames going to do i'm going to follow them...Reroute To Remain was a fucking great album! They show the world they can ENVOLVE in their music...(actually R2R is not Nu-Metal you idiots...Slipknot are new GAY metal...) If you've heard the new song Watch Them Feed you'll see they are not sold out...that's the same HEAVY and LOUD METAL Riffs that makes In Flames what they are...I don't care if Anders growls or sing with a clean voice...that's Anders! You are fucking close minded..."if the singer is not screaming from the beginning to the end is not metal" FUCK THAT...Metal is a way of life... anyway people like you should not listen to Metal..As another exemple...a lot of people are complaining about the new COB album...what's wrong with you? They are ENVOLVING...but that's the same COB music...seriously you are sheeps...if someone tell that this album or that band is crap (even if you like that band or album), to be like everyone you are going to say that the person is right and the album suck and the band too... fuck off i hate you...

woo, ph34r da teenangst!
COBHC "Voi Vittu!" said:
you fucking guys are gay...if you don't like In Flames...SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH...and don't listen to them...I don't fucking care about how the new album will be...if on the cover you find the name IN FLAMES...the album's going to be FUCKING GOOD...In Flames are making an album that they are going to love...whatever In Flames going to do i'm going to follow them...Reroute To Remain was a fucking great album! They show the world they can ENVOLVE in their music...(actually R2R is not Nu-Metal you idiots...Slipknot are new GAY metal...) If you've heard the new song Watch Them Feed you'll see they are not sold out...that's the same HEAVY and LOUD METAL Riffs that makes In Flames what they are...I don't care if Anders growls or sing with a clean voice...that's Anders! You are fucking close minded..."if the singer is not screaming from the beginning to the end is not metal" FUCK THAT...Metal is a way of life... anyway people like you should not listen to Metal..As another exemple...a lot of people are complaining about the new COB album...what's wrong with you? They are ENVOLVING...but that's the same COB music...seriously you are sheeps...if someone tell that this album or that band is crap (even if you like that band or album), to be like everyone you are going to say that the person is right and the album suck and the band too... fuck off i hate you...
Thank God you weren't on the old IF forum...
Yeah, why?(Actually I think he just doesn't like your gratuitous use of profanity in trying to make your point. Maybe if you toned down and gave clearer reasons for your opinions, others would respect them more. :))
r2r sucks compared to the other albums!!! they skipped the guitarsolos for synth and that sucks!!! twin guitar is gbg metal at it's best!!