Where's the Anathema board?

well sorry if it bothers you but i am sure its for the best to do this. its been getting ridiculous in there and i need to speak to people before getting it back online again. at least if its off for a while people might gain some perspective about their e-habits and think differently in the future. it seems to have become an obsession for some people. anyway thats no concern of mine, i've already spoke to one of the bad posters and i will try and make things better next time. when it comes back there will be a proper moderator and rules and that.
it wont be long.
happy new year.
well done Danny, it was for the best, i dunno why people were acting like such nobheads. Anyway man, still nice people there, i've never got any abuse there, i can think of a few message boards where people are really awful, even compared to how they were recently on the anathema one
It is for the best, sure some of us will miss it, but imagine a stranger getting on their to learn more about the band and then reading all that crap, doesn't suit Anathema, really. And I've got exams in January, so it's really for the best for me :Spin: .

Happy new year everyone, may your heads be less aching than mine :erk:
Whom reason hath equalled, moderation hath made supreme
Above their equals. Farewell, happy threads,
Where joy for ever dwells! Hail, horrors! hail,
Infernal board! and thou, Antimatter Hell,
Receive thy new e-whiners--ones who bring
Posts not to be changed by place or time.
but whining for its own sake, and in no time
Can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.
What matter where, if We be still the same,
And what we should be, all but less than ye
Whom moderation hath made greater?
Here at least We shall be free…
Nah, my fun is no ones hell, I'm nice.

I blame the people who took too much offense as much as the offenders really. Was all pretty meaningless stuff, some of it tasteless or sth as well though.

Now lets get on with it.
I know, but it gave me good context to air my ultraimportant view on things :Spin:

By the way, I might go to Hamburg, not sure at all yet though, anyone alse?