Where's the Anathema board?

Don Corleone said:
just what the hell happened? i guess i missed all the fun again. damn

ok, mates, this, i ask from you please. whenever there is some kind of a war or anything worth mentioning, please email me. i dont wanna miss it again.

oh and by the way, yes, while we're at it:


i could swear i had posted that before but it seems to be ... gone ... whatever, it was just :

cedarbreed said:
i could swear i had posted that before but it seems to be ... gone ... whatever, it was just :


weird stuff going on here too ... messages disappearing and reappearing again ... whatever ... maybe it's just my mind :ill:
I was a bit unsure about posting here, but I came back to read the anathema forum and it was gone. I know the way I said I'd be out was just way too dramatic, but hey, I was deffo pissed-off. I'll be back to the forum as soon as it is back cuz there are some really nice people in it and hey, I just can't stand not coming here everyday and post, so shoot me if that's the way. Just hope everyone gets over all this shit (I know I was part of it and I fucking admit it and feel somehow sorry it turned out this way) and make the upcoming anathema forum, the best forum on fucking UM (it was like that for me before all the storming). I believe it is kind of stupid (of me) to use this thread, in this specific forum to say all this but I just had to. I like Antimatter as much as I like Anathema, I just didn't post here that much cuz there isn't that much action here either. Besides, Father Strangelight seems to have Deathcapped his presence here (we're ready for that ol' school power father, hit it!).

Feels good to be back, and I admit it feels good to hope we'll have a brand-new moderated and rational community (well, not too rational I hope :grin: ).

All hail Anathema and Antimatter FFS! :kickass:

Happy New Year Everyone. This will be a nice one for y'all. And I gotta say it feels good to be back. I can see some bashing coming towards me but hey, I love 98% of you people. ;)
rational but not too rational. fun but not hateful. good and bad like life, but no dirty dirty shit. anyone who doesnt like it will be fucked off no matter what they sign in as.
all the best.
HI ARRchernar.... nice to see you back, sorry it was on this conditions, but hey! this is a new year and so far it seems that i'll be the first one of the anathema weirdos moved to this flat in give ya a welcome... FFS!!!!!!!!
donkho said:
HI ARRchernar.... nice to see you back, sorry it was on this conditions, but hey! this is a new year and so far it seems that i'll be the first one of the anathema weirdos moved to this flat in give ya a welcome... FFS!!!!!!!!
Aloha mate. Thanx for the warm welcome and have a fucking nice New Year. :worship: