Where's the Anathema board?

pagan2002 said:
when i say give up i mean..we shouldnt look for deep meaning here...its all impersonal talk...make your mum a cup of tea if you want some real interaction...

That sounds exactly like the Danish queen's New Years speech :p . You put it in a nicer and real way though.
eh, could anyone file me in on the details what could possibly have happened to close the whole anathema board? seems there has been an unspecified incident and a lot of flying shit, and i missed everything seemingly. well, there has to be a reason for such a drastic step, or not?
though it seems the board is only on ice, had it been deleted, your post counts would all be a good deal less ;)
In short, the climax was when Achernar posted a picture of his girl and Squeel abused it in a defecation-manner, then Achernar announced his withdrawal from the board. There were people who thought it was really nasty, and there were other people who thought it was much fun. So opinions clashed, shit was flying, but nothing happened until Pagan appeared and started to support the anti-Trona-Dora-Frodnat group, which the said members didn't appreciate, so the girls told Pagan he was biassed, which made him angry so he said he'd close the board. And he did, so the Antimatter board is increasing in its size now :D
yeah get it.

and just another question, dear. i remember asking you this before, and im pretty sure you did answer but i couldnt find the thread ever again.

you once had a signature like "i can piss in the pool, i can break any rule." i have always wondered where it is from, or was it something you wrote? it was soooo good and funny. im curious.
the anathemaforum is gone for a while, so i'm gonna post it in here, cause i don't wanne make anathema threads in the antimatterforum, but i need to know this .

is there anyone who like to go with me and my mate by car to the gig.
as a friend of my told me he would like to drive to poland, but with just the two of us it would be to expencive.
so , if there is anyone from arround here (belgium) who would like to join us, just let me know.
(nothing is for shure yet, he's telling me somewhere this week if he is going or not.)
Don Corleone said:
as for the lyrics: hehe, finally. what a relief! im checking out their site now. it IS on, by the way. thanks a million

That's strange, I can't access it :( but I've just found budapestrockandroll, hehe, there are some mp3-s to download there.
Dhatura said:
In short, the climax was when Achernar posted a picture of his girl and Squeel abused it in a defecation-manner, then Achernar announced his withdrawal from the board. There were people who thought it was really nasty, and there were other people who thought it was much fun. So opinions clashed, shit was flying, but nothing happened until Pagan appeared and started to support the anti-Trona-Dora-Frodnat group, which the said members didn't appreciate, so the girls told Pagan he was biassed, which made him angry so he said he'd close the board. And he did, so the Antimatter board is increasing in its size now :D
aah, dont blame us or anyone.. I think Pagan closed the board simply because he couldnt handle the shit flying around any more.. And the thing why he was against us i think was partly cos he - imo - didnt know what happened before.. (I hope) BTW, let me take the opportunity to thank ppl who saw through words and wrote nice things about me :D
The anti-trona-dora-frodo group was targeted by e-terrorists right after mehdi was deleted, maybe he thought "his old enemies" are responsible for it..(I feel sorry about his disappearance anyway.) I think this, cos no other reason I could find cos we werent really posting at that time at all when these shits took off. Then ppl started to post very obscene pictures with large fonts, hatred, threatening, and other ugly stuff, and hell broke loose. The forum turned from PG-13 to R or NC-17.