Where's the Anathema board?

i have been negative and biased in the past i guess and i am not proud of it. the reason however why i closed the board temporarily was because it got totally out of hand and i felt people needed time to reflect instead of adding more and more layers.
also any new anathema fan checking out the band might be disgusted by the negative shit going on in there. i have spoken to the terrorists and have been assured that is the end of it. i have mailed mark to ask him to put it back but no response from him yet.
and rafael is gonna help out moderating. :wave:
ah, thats cool.. we'll have it back soon!
what happened with old threads, will they come back and that? or deleted?
If not, maybe it would be good to delete all recent shite-related offtopic material, so noone starts to respond to those again.. ;)
i was thinking that, just getting rid of recent badness and keeping the rest. still waiting to hear from mark. at least a break has stopped more layers piling on.
i think it wouldnt be a big loss to erase it all for there was not much interesting things going on lately :)

Though the topic about Danny's gigs would be nice to see back again cos i'd like to read reviews and what the setlist was ( specially in Aalst ) + a friend of mine took pix i'd like to share.
Hey everyone. My computer's been broken down the past few weeks, so I haven't had much of a chance to post; therefore I was pretty surprised when I logged in today and saw that the Anathema forum was shut down. I don't know what went on but people must have been talking major shit. Oh well; it looks like the activity in here has been picking up.
Dhatura said:
In short, the climax was when Achernar posted a picture of his girl and Squeel abused it in a defecation-manner, then Achernar announced his withdrawal from the board. There were people who thought it was really nasty, and there were other people who thought it was much fun. So opinions clashed, shit was flying, but nothing happened until Pagan appeared and started to support the anti-Trona-Dora-Frodnat group, which the said members didn't appreciate, so the girls told Pagan he was biassed, which made him angry so he said he'd close the board. And he did, so the Antimatter board is increasing in its size now .

Basically, yeah. *:err: at pagan*

Dora said:
aah, dont blame us or anyone.. I think Pagan closed the board simply because he couldnt handle the shit flying around any more.. And the thing why he was against us i think was partly cos he - imo - didnt know what happened before.. (I hope) BTW, let me take the opportunity to thank ppl who saw through words and wrote nice things about me :D
The anti-trona-dora-frodo group was targeted by e-terrorists right after mehdi was deleted, maybe he thought "his old enemies" are responsible for it..(I feel sorry about his disappearance anyway.) I think this, cos no other reason I could find cos we werent really posting at that time at all when these shits took off. Then ppl started to post very obscene pictures with large fonts, hatred, threatening, and other ugly stuff, and hell broke loose. The forum turned from PG-13 to R or NC-17.

:Smug: I kinda think the whole thing was funny but over the top, yeah. What the hell happened?! hahaha! Sudden and spontaenous explosion. *maybe it was something(s) Andy was doing causing it ;) *. By the way, my trona got knocked off, can't log in with it at all, though I'm not banned. Don't know what happened but it was at the same time Mehdi got banned.