Which 7 String? Cooley? Loomis? Vai?

And I know Mike will give me an amen, cuz he loves his sub-$1k EC-1000 over the seemingly dozens of super-expensive guitars he's owned over the years! :D
Well that's completely Mike's opinion. It might be subtle, but better cuts of wood will give you better tone, and it must make some difference, otherwise we'd all have cheapo knockoff's that cost like $100 with EMG's or whatever in them.
Yeah, to me construction makes a gigantic difference in tone. You might not notice the difference between a 1k guitar and a 2k guitar, but it will be noticable (moreso with passive pickups in my opinion...even though actives will sound different in a different axe...) There are exceptions to this though.

For example...I hated the sound of the walnut Caparison I had, but man did it play awesome. I also disliked both Ibanez RGA121 guitars I owned. Those played awesome too. Never tried them with EMGs, but they sounded way thin to me with passives. I was SO looking forward to liking those.

I loved, however, my CHEAP Ibanez RG321 with EMGs. Go figure...

Lastly, my Les Paul is the heaviest sounding guitar I've ever owned. Don't care what the Gibson haters say, that massive slab of mahogany resonates like no other!

Guitar preference is all over the place...

Well both the Vai 7 and the Cooley sig are more expensive than a Dellinger 7 here and I'd take the Dellinger over them in a heartbeat...

I love my high-value-for-money guitars like my Epi Prophecy or even my dirt-cheap yet awesomely sounding Tele, yet I've picked up a Dellinger because its perfection to the smallest detail is just awing.

So yeah, if a Vai 7 or a Cooley is an option (monetary), I'd say look into a Dellinger 7 too.

Otherwise I'm personally advocating the great Loomis sig.
Well both the Vai 7 and the Cooley sig are more expensive than a Dellinger 7 here and I'd take the Dellinger over them in a heartbeat...

I love my high-value-for-money guitars like my Epi Prophecy or even my dirt-cheap yet awesomely sounding Tele, yet I've picked up a Dellinger because its perfection to the smallest detail is just awing.

So yeah, if a Vai 7 or a Cooley is an option (monetary), I'd say look into a Dellinger 7 too.

Otherwise I'm personally advocating the great Loomis sig.

Wow, seriously? Over here, I don't think you can get any Caparison for under $2k, unlike the Vai/Cooley! :erk:
How is the FR on the Loomis model? I owned the hard tail version and like an idiot I sold it :erk: I'm thinking about using my left over store credit money at my local shop to order one, but I believe they don't make the hard tail version anymore.

I love the FR on it, very smooth, stays in tune perfectly, can do flutters, etc. Best guitar I've owned.
...that massive slab of mahogany resonates like no other

That's why I love my Hellraiser C7. Mahogany body AND neck. Brutal. And the "baseball neck" has changed since 2008 - I have pretty small hands and can play and shred w/my 2008 HR perfectly. Best bang for the buck + lefty available! :rock:
That's why I love my Hellraiser C7. Mahogany body AND neck. Brutal. And the "baseball neck" has changed since 2008 - I have pretty small hands and can play and shred w/my 2008 HR perfectly. Best bang for the buck + lefty available! :rock:

Yep, been thinking of a C1 Hellraiser for myself one of these days.
