Which Adagio album to buy ?

I listened them both. And they are amazing. I especially like "Sanctus ignis". I wonder how somebody called this band "power metal" and pushed me away from it for a while.
Ayreon Guardian X said:
No way in HELL is Adagio - Underworld one of the best Cd's ever...though it is a good CD...most of Rhapsody's CD's, all of Symphony X's CD's from Divine Wings and forward, Dream Theater's "Metropolis Pt. 2", (I'll get flamed for this) and DT's "6 Degrees" and "Train of Thought" and all of Blind Guardian's CD's from Somewhere Far Beyond and forward kick Underworld's ass...it's just too "Been There, Done That!".....though, as another prog-metal album, it kicks ass, just not the most original piece ever...

tottally disagree with you!, and I dont know where to start.. :)
(rhaphsody..// blind guardian..//???.. have you been drinking again??!!)
