Which albums do you think get the most undeserved hate?

hahaha. Well, i used to be a "metalhead". From the time i was 14 until i was 18 or so i listened to pretty much exclusively metal. I wasn't a whole lot different from most people here... but the well started running a bit dry, bands started to sound the same, and i became less interested in metal and more interested in all the other cool shit i had no idea existed. I would still consider myself most knowledgable in metal before any other genre, and i still listen to anything i see being praised to see what the fuss is. I just kind of feel like i've seen almost all metal has to offer, and i'm not satisfied enough. I'm sure everyone gets that feeling though.
Mumblefood said:
hahaha. Well, i used to be a "metalhead". From the time i was 14 until i was 18 or so i listened to pretty much exclusively metal. I wasn't a whole lot different from most people here... but the well started running a bit dry, bands started to sound the same, and i became less interested in metal and more interested in all the other cool shit i had no idea existed. I would still consider myself most knowledgable in metal before any other genre, and i still listen to anything i see being praised to see what the fuss is. I just kind of feel like i've seen almost all metal has to offer, and i'm not satisfied enough. I'm sure everyone gets that feeling though.

Actually, I don't. Not criticising you, but I don't. There's a whole load of different styles in metal, so I get all the variety I need.

I also like the pseudo-culture of metal, though these days thanks to govt job and all, I don't get to live the heavy metal parking lot dream!
really? never? I have explored every genre of metal i had heard of, and i honestly don't think there is anything all that different left to hear. I agree the diversity of metal is pretty insane, and probably enough to keep most people busy forever, but there's only so much variation on established sounds, and i'm just made to look for things that affect me in bizarre and new ways... if i don't find something i start getting bored of music. Musical ADD, i guess. Makes me a bit scared of where i'll be musically in 15 years.

Anyway i'm derailing this thread with unnecessary ranting, so i'm done now. hehe.
more people appear to have treated this thread as "underrated albums" than "unduly hated albums". ive never heard anyone say a bad word about albums like south of heaven and killing is my business (obviously other than the generic "i dont like that band" people, who even then probably dont mention the above albums).

Death - Symbolic. Fantastic album imo. I agree with AtG - SotS as well.
I've never heard anyone with a brain knock Nokturnal Mortum that wasn't extremely anti-racist.
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
Dimmu Borgir - Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia
This albums gets blasted for being overproduced (which it is) and not being tr00 black metal (which it isn't), but the guitar riffing is aggressive and memorable, and the songs are well crafted (thought most are too long). Even with Nick Barker's artificial drumming, the drum patters are interesting and have a distinct groove. And Simon's clean vocals add a nice operatic touch. Also, the chamber orchestra utilized in the recording gives this album an epic feel. P.M.E. is a good album if one really listens to it objectively.

one of my favorite albums. Kings of the Carnival Creation is just :kickass:
Life Sucks said:
At the Gates - Slaughter of the Soul
It's not horrible, like many metalheads seem to think it is. However, it is not a masterpiece, either, as many metalcore idiots tend to think.
Do metalcore idiots think this album is a masterpiece?

I don't listen to metalcore so I don't see the ATG influence, but people keep talking about it. Anyone able to tell me why, as I'm quite sure that most people's dislike of this is to be cool?

I know why I don't like it, and it's disappointing more than shit, but in order to really hate it you would probably have been a fan of earlier ATG.
Blodsmert said:
Do metalcore idiots think this album is a masterpiece?

I don't listen to metalcore so I don't see the ATG influence, but people keep talking about it. Anyone able to tell me why, as I'm quite sure that most people's dislike of this is to be cool?

I know why I don't like it, and it's disappointing more than shit, but in order to really hate it you would probably have been a fan of earlier ATG.
Both the vocals and the riffwork influenced many metalcore bands. ATG's style on that CD (Gothenburg melodeath) in general was a huge influence on the metalcore genre (obvious examples are The Black Dalia Murder, As I Lay Dying, God Forbid, etc.). I don't dislike SotS because of this, as much as I dislike almost all metalcore. As unfortunate as it is, metalcore bands listen to real metal, including some great bands (the horrible Trivium listen to Darkthrone, Autumblaze and The Burning Season obviously named themselves after Primordial songs).
Life Sucks said:
As unfortunate as it is, metalcore bands listen to real metal, including some great bands (the horrible Trivium listen to Darkthrone, Autumblaze and The Burning Season obviously named themselves after Primordial songs).

I have noticed too. It makes me sad when they are wearing a Suffocation shirt or something, and they still make terrible metal. If they listen to the good stuff why do they still make the bad stuff?
cookiecutter said:
I have noticed too. It makes me sad when they are wearing a Suffocation shirt or something, and they still make terrible metal. If they listen to the good stuff why do they still make the bad stuff?
Yeah this pisses me.
I think in one of the japan YoungGuitar mags (or some other instrumental lesson thing) with the trivium guitarists, one of them was wearing an Emperor t-shirt. :ill::erk:
Some guy in Beyond The Embrace was wearing a Suffocation shirt when I saw them at a festival.
Life Sucks said:
Both the vocals and the riffwork influenced many metalcore bands. ATG's style on that CD (Gothenburg melodeath) in general was a huge influence on the metalcore genre (obvious examples are The Black Dalia Murder, As I Lay Dying, God Forbid, etc.). I don't dislike SotS because of this, as much as I dislike almost all metalcore. As unfortunate as it is, metalcore bands listen to real metal, including some great bands (the horrible Trivium listen to Darkthrone, Autumblaze and The Burning Season obviously named themselves after Primordial songs).

Thanks for the enlightenment, I guess I'll understand it better when I am forced to see trivium before Maiden in December.
Agalloch is more simply poppy easy listening, and less metal than opeth so don't bring 'opeth' into something because some moron.

I heard and listened to plently of real metal before getting into music like opeth. I'm sure plently of agalloch fans have no clue about metal either.

Why not bash them too because those people. Bringing bands into a convo because someone says something stupid is ridiculous.
The Greys said:
Agalloch is more simply poppyeasy listening, and less metal than opeth so don't bring 'opeth' into something because some moron.

I heard and listened to plently of real metal before getting into music like opeth. I'm sure plently of agalloch fans have no clue about metal either.

Alright, first of all a band not being fully metal does not make them poppy or easy listening.

Agalloch are far from poppy or "easy listening." Hell, it took me a full year to appreciate The Mantle, and the sheer fact that Pale Folklore exists kicks your ass in them being less metal than Opeth. That release is just as metal as most anything Opeth have released.

I am a major fan of Agalloch, and have pretty decent metal knowledge. So please, go masturbate to pictures of your mom or something. You have again proved you are worthless.