Why do you think it is that so many bands

Explanations that I've come up with are number one they stop caring as much. Number two they don't have time. Number three all the good ideas are gone. Number four they're trying to keep it "fresh". The list can go on. And not to mention all bands aren't victims of the later album disease!

But most are. Haha.
I would always prefer a band who experiments and fails than a band who sticks with the same formula and gets progressively more boring (=Dream Theater).

Agreed. Although it never fails to hurt when a band who's music you've loved so much releases an album that you just can't connect with.
I think it's interesting how Ulver, Anathema and Katatonia are being mentioned. Each of these bands, while I love their earlier work, I think peaked when they perfected their own unique sound -
in the case of Ulver, with Perdition City
in the case of Katatonia, The Great Cold Distance
in the case of Anathema, Judgment or A Natural Disaster

Their 'classic' albums (Nattens, The Silent Enigma, Brave Murder Day) are all great but you can find better in their respective genres.

TGCD is an awesome disc.