Which cd did you just buy?

thanks to almighty rahvin, now i want to own all of falco's discography. BRING UP THE JUICE! :grin:
@DeepInMisery: Nice choice with Tonight's Decision.

St. Anger is a waste of time as far as I'm concerned. Why do they even try anymore.
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Metallica - St. Anger and please spare the crap, if you don't like it (or didn't even buy it) just keep your opinions to yourself.

edit: I mean, it's OK to say you don't like it, i don't mind, but those "that's pure shit, they do it just for money"-things are so ridiculous, methinks. One doesn't have to like somehting it's ok, and it can be said "I don't like it" but after it goes to those ridicilous explanations on how the explainer knows the ultimate truth about everything... Well... :rolleyes: But then again this is only my opinion and it always makes me smile to see these funny comments. As if Metallica would have to do the music to those individuals only and the way they like it, not to Metallica themselves as they did. And yes, this isn't so produced, it's quite raw (snare mat hissing behind a guitar and so on), but I just love the way Metallica don't care. OK, enough ranting. And once again, you don't have to like it, but most of those complaining haven't even bought the record so there is no real reason even to complain.
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DotNoir said:
Metallica - St. Anger and please spare the crap, if you don't like it (or didn't even buy it) just keep your opinions to yourself.

edit: I mean, it's OK to say you don't like it, i don't mind, but those "that's pure shit, they do it just for money"-things are so ridiculous, methinks. One doesn't have to like somehting it's ok, and it can be said "I don't like it" but after it goes to those ridicilous explanations on how the explainer knows the ultimate truth about everything... Well... :rolleyes: But then again this is only my opinion and it always makes me smile to see these funny comments. As if Metallica would have to do the music to those individuals only and the way they like it, not to Metallica themselves as they did. And yes, this isn't so produced, it's quite raw (snare mat hissing behind a guitar and so on), but I just love the way Metallica don't care. OK, enough ranting. And once again, you don't have to like it, but most of those complaining haven't even bought the record so there is no real reason even to complain.

DotNoir minus one word said:
and it can be said "I like it" but after it goes to those ridicilous explanations on how the explainer knows the ultimate truth about everything... Well... :rolleyes:

And then again the only "ridicilous explanation" I wrote there would be "not to Metallica themselves as they did" and all the else is quite much fact. But the "I like"-part where my music taste kicks in. Like said it's fine by me that one don't like Metallica (new or old) I can't judge anybodys music taste.
In fact I don't go telling people who buy/listen to euro pop or punk or anything that they listen to shit. If I don't like it it doesn't mean that anybody else can't... :)
Then again there are no big attacks against anybody who'se posted that he bought Metallica... :rolleyes:

And yes, maybe I got a bit out of hand with these rantings...
@DotNoir: Good post there. Like I said before, my opinion on the CD is irrelevant because I only listened to the first few seconds of a couple songs. Eventually I'll give it a good listen, and I'm sure I will like it more.
uhmmmm lately i've come around with three cds and all of them they were amazing....
Apocalyptica - Reflections...simply amazing and beyond my expectations!!!! besides is the first totally accoustic album with a HUGE booklet...hehehe

Blind Guardian - Live...amazing...as always...That wasn't beyond expectation, but the cd's protection is a kick in the ass, cause it can't play properly on my discman!!!!

Blind Guardian - The bard's song (in the forest)
i think that the idea of making a single containing for versions of the same song is plainly genious, though I prefer the original version...ah! now to wait for the next album!!!

BTW: i didn't know the new Metallica is already out!!!!! How is it??? no, no...I don't mean if it's good, bad or it's plainly uninspired...but what's the music like...they try to sound like before or the go on the Load era sound???? I will download to give it a try, but I'm afraid I'm to influenced by the "drastic" change after Live Shit!!! well, we'll see

fv (lively reflected)
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@fathervic: we're not allowed to comment more on the metallica record except for saying if we liked it or not :p and i didn't. anyway, it has been poorly received on the various metallica forums. not that this has ever meant anything about the quality of a record.

as for the bg single, well, it's not as if they've been the first to put 4 versions of the same song on one... i mean, maybe you've never listened to industrial or electronic stuff, but there this is quite the norm with singles. and yes, it's often a good idea when you've got enough variety in how the tracks turn out in the end. :)

i find it really annoying if singles contain one song in several versions. singles in general are quite annoying. even if the song is the only one you like off the album, it's still useless to bother putting the single in the player because it ends after 15 minutes. also the price is ridiculous for such a playtime.
as for metallica, i can't say i have a very fundated opinion about st. anger since i downloaded the whole album on kazaa, but most of them turned out as fakes made by some idiots. so the only confirmed song is the one i saw on the mtv. and it blowed.
bah! electronic music hehehehe :p

VC:it blowed in the good or the bad sense???

oh, and I LOVE singles XDDDDD i can't help it....
i just bought:
  • colony 5 - "structures" (synth-pop, rather good and depeche mode-like)
  • therapy? - "high anxiety" (rock/metal/punk/whatever, better than the previous efforts but still not the vein i'd like to hear the band working on. they're maybe my 3rd best band ever, but they just keep on releasing no matter what :cry: )
  • hanzel und gretyl - uber alles (industrial/metal à la rammstein, neo-nazi idiots who are actually fun to listen to)
  • god module - empath (electronics, and the best release i've heard so far this year, in any style)
today i got the new metallica album (no, not bought :grin: ) and i can finally say it sucks in every possible way.
as for the sound, it reminds me a lot of nu metal stuff. (not that this is the problem, heh).

i'm on vultureculture on the singles discussion, they're always useless and a waste of money. :)

Regarding the cd's protection aforementioned... does it really protect the music extraction? I mean, of course it works one way or another, but we all know the same thing in the video-games field, everytime a new copy protection appears, the crack is not long delayed.

|ngenius (Always late)
the point on this copy protection is that you'd have to buy a new cdrom drive or at least update the firmware, for it reads the cd and assumes it's full of garbage since the first blocks are unreadable junk.
an ordinary cd player which can't play data cds sa well isn't interested in these first pieces of data, and simply skips them and plays the cd.