"Which celebs/board members/people would you do"

I think I would be forced to do the deed in that situation, but elevators arent made to seal in alot of wet crap, so the problem wouldnt arise. I might just get covered with abit of shit :p.

Rahvin you didnt fall for anything :D. You are just abit more open, and honest than the rest of us :p. Very commendable indeed :D.

Dude... your president looks like Robin Williams as Mrs. Doubtfire.


Celebs: Damn you Nick... CR is indeed hot. hrm... Sung Hi Lee would be reeeeal nice.

Board Members: Seeing as most of the female members here are underage, I think I'll hold my tongue :p

Random Peoples: If we're goin for school, I think theres only a few I wouldn't do... actually no, thats not quite true, lol. If I had to say, three, or so... probably my ex, and these other two girls, one I have class with and one I don't. Yeah, the ex is problematic, in that the fact that I would still do her is part of the reason I can't really let go :p

Hearse said:
First of all, no one said you have to name only one.
Secondly, when you put those up together like that, it makes you sound very schitzofrenic :p
schizophrenic? :err:
and i choose to only mention one person, because long lists of a hundred girls from ultimatemetal would just mean i don't really have a preference, while i wanted to stress i might at some point want to make a choice. i know this idea might come as a surprise to you, but i assure you it's perfectly possible. :p
@hearse: in fact i don't think i want to spend the rest of my life with lina, or anyone else for that matter. i can't even rate how lina or anybody else (except ormir, of course :p) would qualify on some preference list, as of now. it's just that even when it comes to doing someone, i tend to apply criteria that might be considered "deep" by some. or just plain stupid by others, i'm sure. ;)
Hearse said:
no no no, dont you try to make me to look shallow here mr. :yell:
not at all, in fact i'm sure you're very considerate and thoughtful despite a certain image you might project at times. your criteria for choosing anything from fuck buddies to lifelong partners are yours alone and i don't want to stick my nose in. what i meant to say is: it's rather irrelevant to list all female members on ultimatemetal just because in playful mode it could be allright to say i'd do any of them. i probably wouldn't, for starters, regardless of the degree of playfulness of the discussion. and for seconds, i interpreted this thread on the lines of: pick someone you would do.

beside, you forgot the "playfully" part.
It was not made like an actually true story :p

But as you said yourself, someone might take playfull games too seriously aswell ;) :p
yeah, there is a real thin line sometimes.
@hearse: yeah, i know you wouldn't, ultimatemetal has more than 8000 users. :p and my comments were in jest too. still, it seems except for me there's no one willing to do some name-dropping. hope hyena sees this thread tonight and backs me up. ;)
Back to the original topic: Do they have to be real people? :dopey:

As in, can I name some anime/manga -characters? I could list quite a few... :grin:
