What would you do with one billion dollars?

Wolfman Von Jones

The trouble with you
Dec 6, 2001
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Ok I guess you can count this as spam, but its fun spam. What would you do with one billion dollars?

I would fly everyone from UM to Chicago, put them up at a nice hotel for about 5 days. Rent out a hall for awhile, get alot of very cool bands to play a huge show, and party after it with all the people from UM and all the people from the bands, that would be very cool.

Although the first thing I bought would probably be a pack of smokes. :p :p

The UM party definitely. Book a whole weekend of shows... free drinks, free room and board... But it wouldn't be at a nice hotel, it would be at my HUGE friggin castle of a mansion that I would buy...
i would run to my favorite cd store and i would buy thousand of cds :D
Then i would made a trip to scandinavia :cool:
Uggh... left over In Flames forum members flooding over to our forum. :(
Shit! I'd tell you what i'd do.....i'd buy a plane ticket to Sweden and Finland, and get all my favorite bands over here in the states, for the biggest, greatest show in history!!! Then i'd get completely shit faced with them! Mmmmmm, shit faced. :D
I'd buy one to ten DT albums every week, including rare ones.
And i'd also stop worrying about exams :D

Oh, and bring DT here for a gig every once in a while :p
Originally posted by NicktheClayman
Ok I guess you can count this as spam, but its fun spam. What would you do with one billion dollars?

I would fly everyone from UM to Chicago, put them up at a nice hotel for about 5 days. Rent out a hall for awhile, get alot of very cool bands to play a huge show, and party after it with all the people from UM and all the people from the bands, that would be very cool.

best use of 1 billion dollars ive ever heard haha
i'd buy some african country and get everyone to move out so i could use it for myself. and id live by myself, and only invite a select few.
I'd complete my studies first. Of course, I'd keep my mouth shut about the money, wouldn't want fake people trying to be my "friends".
:burn (<--too bad this smilie doesn't work :lol: ).

I'd travel to Scandinavia and marry a wonderful guy. :) We would live in a castle or a mansion and possibly have a nice family. I'd invest in stock markets to get a constant supply of money, so my desendants could live comfortably for some years to come (some of the cash I'd also donate, as I wouldn't need all that money with the stocks). Hmm... my own kingdom would be great too... :)

After that I'd travel some, but mostly stay in my castle with my beloved and our family. :)
I'd buy a small or medium sized island somewhere, declare it an independent kingdom, and start makin my own crazy laws n stuff :D
I'd call it 'SuperfunhappyLand version 1.2' but please don't ask what happened to version 1 (looks guiltily over at Easter Island).
Everyone here could move there with me where we start a Utopian society, although rule number one is complete obedience to me, and Pacman...because Pacman knows best :lol:
Ok...really, I don't know what I'm talking about...has anyone seen my buttons? I'm so lonely :cry: