Which is the best Mesa Dual/Triple Rectifier head simulator plugin?


Aug 28, 2006
With all those impulses and CurveEQs around I decided to work on a 100% TubeScreamer + plugins tone. By your experience, which plugin simulates better an Mesa Dual (or Triple) Rectifier head? Line6, Revalver, Guitar Rig, GTR3, etc
Thanks for the replies. I will use Revalver MKII´s kitty for my tests. I´ve checked their forum and got some really good patches from the user AxeWizard. He tweaked all that crazy schematics of Revalver and did some very cool tones with the Red channel of Kitty.

BTW, does anyone knows what exactly Wagner Sharp plugin is suposed to simulate? It´s probably the sharp channel of a Bogner amp, but I never heard such amps, and all I´ve read about them flames the sharp channel. I´ve noticed that an user of this board made the plugin sound exatcly like a 5150, and I´m nailing a tone very similar to the Uberschall (that doesn´t have the "sharp channel"). I mean... WTF!!

WagnerSharp emulates a Sharp channel,from Bogner Triple Giant preamp.There is no free schematics of an Ueberschall,but-when compared-this Sharp,sounds extremely close to an Uber's
And-one more thing-an EQ of this sharp channel,has changed-from original,bognre's to more classic-marshallmesa

Thanks for the info :worship: Damn, this thing is the holy grail of hi gain amps simulation. I will post clips comparing them.