which mic for recording bass guitar cab?

If it's a time delay, it should be time shifted in the DAW, rather than Phase/Polarity reversed.

Try it out.

Just match up the times of the DI and mic signal once recorded, and make sure they are the same polarity.

If you want the tracks to be in phase that's the way to do it. Some people like the phase cancellation, so I won't say leaving it slightly out of phase is necessarily a bad thing. Personally, I prefer if the tracks are completely in phase.

I've tried a D6 and a Beta52 and both work. The cab had a horn, which I recorded with an Oktava mk012 and got really crisp highs that I blended in.
I like a Clean D.I for the low end from 20 to 150/180 hz and my midrange is useally an ampor 2 miced with a md421 and a sm7 + a sansamp running next to it.
Sometimes i dirty the sansamp up a bit more and mix that in aswell..
This works like a charm and you have alot of possibillity's when it comes to the mix..
This isn't the first time I've seen this, but to confirm I'm reading it right - JB, you're saying you low-pass the DI as low as 150/180, and everything above is from the pedal/amp?
Yeah man.. i'm loving it right know..

I lowpass my D.I to about 150/180, limit the fuck out of it, and sidechain it with my kick, so that can go as low as it wants :)
And everything above that is mids from a miced amp/sansamp or a combi of that.

Works realy realy well for me!
Cool man, I'm planning on picking up a Pro Co Rat pretty soon to experiment with, so I'll probably do the LP DI trick + the Rat into an Ampeg impulse, see how that works out!
Oh and doing a similar thing to the kick, drumagog on allmost static sampling for low end, and the real kick compressed to taste for attack :) Natural sound with a consistent low end!
Lots of work correcting drumagog afterwards though.....
Hardcore D112 user :)
when i get the chance to get my hand on one and record some actual bass that is

bass is all about the subz for me
i wanna FEEL that shit, and d112's are awesome for that
beta 52 with a 57 off axis works great. Wondering if a transformerless 57 would be literally perfect for this too..?! Anyone tried it?
I've had good results with a D112 and SM57...

Just for the shits and giggles and the chance that my rep could sink lower than that of a new-school trivium fan, has anyone tried using a sub-kick on a bass cab??
I quite like my NT1 on bass, but I'd much rather just use DI and SVX than most of the shite bass amps that come through here.
