Which Opeth cd should I introduce friends to first? Need Help.


Coolest Opeth Fan
Jul 17, 2001
I have friends who live on the other side of the country that I have not seen in years. I want to introduce them to music like Opeth, and other great bands many Americans have never heard of. I have no doubt that given a chance, they all will really get into Opeth. Their music taste as of now is still groups like Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, NIN. I want to buy and send them one of Opeth’s Cds. The question is which album is the best to introduce a group of people to Opeth? Especial a group of people who might really love Opeth?

I am not looking for your personal favorite album, but one that would best get a person into Opeth. Right now I am leaning towards MAYH or Blackwater Park but any of their albums would work really. I am also considering going the safer root, and just sending them an In Flames album, like Clayman, just to introduce them to music outside their safe foundations. I feel In Flames would be easier for them to handle at first, then maybe slide them into more complicated bands like Opeth.

What do you guys think? They are not the most internet friendly people, so MP3 files are out of the question.
But if they're into bands like Slayer they might think Still Life is "gay." I think you're on the right track by first getting them to listen to some other new bands. Some people get defensive about listening to new bands, so maybe you shouldn't start with Opeth if you want them to actually HEAR the music. Also, are they used to growls? If not, they definitely won't hear past them to the music.
I'd say Orchid. They can get it easily enough online. I wish I started with it at least.
You know them, so if you are leaning towards MAYH and BP then go with your instincts I say! Betcha they are hooked, just like that!
It really depends on what kind of music the person you're trying to convert listens to. If he is only used to commercial metal, I doubt he would be able to fully appreciate any Opeth album. If he wants something heavy, try using MAYH or Blackwater Park. If he has a long attention span and appreciates challenging music, try Morningrise or Still Life...although those are prerequisites for any Opeth listening.
Thanks for the help. While they are into more commercial stuff, all of them listen to classical music as well, so I know they have it in them to listen to good music that takes a lot of thinking to understand. I think I am going to send them Blackwater Park, because it seems to be the album that is really getting Opeth out there.
Most people listen to commercial stuff because it's what's most available to them. More obscure bands tend not to be listened to by casual listeners of music because it takes more effort to find them. I think there is a good chance they'll take a liking to Opeth if you make the effort to let them hear it.
I think there is a good chance they'll take a liking to Opeth if you make the effort to let them hear it.

I really think so as well. I just can not see how anyone could not like Opeth if they are at least into heavy music to start with...but I know there are people like that...
I think I am going to send them Blackwater Park, because it seems to be the album that is really getting Opeth out there. -Foxdvd

That's a good idea. :)
I think Still Life would be the best choice, but maybe to prepare your friends for Opeth, you should send them a Dream Theater and an In Flames CD first?

They they can get used to complex music and growly vocals first. :)
They have heard Dream Theater......but I can not remb if they liked it or not..they might of not liked the vocals on that....
You may want to try sending them Orchid, since it's thier first album. Sometimes bands progress (or simply change) too much and people don't appreciate thier early days after hearing a newer album. Although Opeth did show tremendous talent back then, they have still progressed, even though thier style hasen't really changed. I would either send them Orchid, or my personal favorite album if I were in your shoes.