Which pisses you off more?

When a non-metalhead says....

  • Do you consider that music?

    Votes: 9 12.3%
  • That's just noise!

    Votes: 33 45.2%
  • How can you listen to that?

    Votes: 8 11.0%
  • You think they're GOOD musicians?

    Votes: 23 31.5%

  • Total voters
"That's just noise" is a classic. Every small brained fucknoid that takes a shortcut to thinking for themselves by just mouthing the "expected" opinion of the status quo has used that one.
Or how about the variation on the " not good musicians" one,...."That's pounding on the E string, anybody could do that"
As far as being entitled to their opinions if you make such an asinine statement as the one above than you obviously never really took the time to listen and until you do you don't have a right to that opinion because it is not based upon knowledge but rather a mindless, trite cliché that you feel obligated to blat over and over incessantly like a sheep. Therefore until such time that you take the initiative to actually listen the metal tune you really should "shut the fuck up" :D
This is the best poll I have seen at UM, I cannot choose which one, because I hate to hear any of those. I recognize that there is no reason for me to be bothered by any of them, but ignorance really does irk me, especially concerning music.
"You think they're GOOD musicians?" <-- I don't care if people like Metal and if they think it's noise are what ever. But even if they hate metal they still can admit that many musicians in the metal bizz are around the best musicians you will find out there. It's just fucked up when you train really hard to become a good musician and somebody just tells you "wow, you're fucking bad"
It does annoy me a little when people say stuff like that, but I really don't blame them. It annoys me that they say it, but you can't really blame them for just thinking it, as an opinion. When I was starting-out listening to metal, and I was perfectly eager to hear more and more of what metal had to offer, i'd download the odd track from a brutal death metal band and think just that; that it was noise, and that I couldn't listen to it. At one point, i'd downloaded about 5 tracks from Carcass' Heartwork and I even thought that was unlistenable! It's natural of metal; it's a style of music that is inherently very hard to absorb and understand. Takes time, that's all.
Having been subject to a lot of these phrases, I have to say they don't piss me off at all. As they say, ignorance is bliss and if they're happy not knowing or wanting to know different styles of music then good for them. I try to keep an open mind about anything I discuss, if they don't practice the same philosophy then oh well. Like Russel and Guardian said, all in all, it's just an opinion and an ignorant one at that.
I'll go with "that's just noise," but there should be an "I can't understand what they're saying, so therefore it sucks" option. I get that one the most and it's utterly retarded. “What, are they belching or … ?” :lol: :rolleyes:
all piss me off
but what pisses me off the most is what comes afterward you say yes: either their stupid comments or naming the bands that they think are much better
Most of the public can't handle heavy metal and most of them praise Papa Roach's brand of shitty rapcore/nu metal.
The thing that pisses me off most is people who listen to
electronic/dance that badmouth metal .
Metal has variation not DOOF DOOF DOOF , and the musicians
use instruments and write their own music not rip off other
peoples and use as samples!!!!!!!
Meat said:
The thing that pisses me off most is people who listen to
electronic/dance that badmouth metal .
Metal has variation not DOOF DOOF DOOF , and the musicians
use instruments and write their own music not rip off other
peoples and use as samples!!!!!!!

Very Well put I couldnt Agree more :devil:
I hate non-metallers. Just kiddin'...
I voted "That's just noise" but the most annoying thing I've ever heard about a guy about Cannibal Corpse was: " I think that they totaly suck ass musicians and they're playing as fast as they can, just to cover it. Even me can play like the Cannibal Corpse's drummer! He's doing the same thing all the time.Taptaptaptaptaptaptaptaptap."
I was thinking to kill this guy but I missed him... The worst is that this guy claims that he is still a metallhead and the "worstest" of all is that this guy put me into metal.
The thing that pisses me off most is people who listen to
electronic/dance that badmouth metal .
Metal has variation not DOOF DOOF DOOF , and the musicians
use instruments and write their own music not rip off other
peoples and use as samples!!!!!!!
Please refrain from such ignorant statements. You have obviously never checked out some of the dance/electronic stuff that`s out there. Saying the stuff you did above is just as fucking ignorant as "that`s just noise" or "they are poor musicians". Have you ever heard Aphex Twin, Autechre or Squarepusher?

Out of all the choices listed above, "poor musicians" annoys me the most. Seems you must play classical or jazz to garner respect as a musician with the elite. You can put in as many hours of practice as you want, but in the end, respect goes only to those who play standards and romantic classical pieces :mad:
I hate electronic/dance/techno music with a passion but I do like some Industrial and Industrial metal though.