White darkness in my hand........

I've just received it today and it sounds great.
It still need more listens but I'm sure it will finish with the best albums of the year.
Svenskar: Var fick ni plattan ifrån? Jag beställde den från Ginza för ett tag sen men de slappisarna verkar inte ha fått in den än. Är det nån som har beställt den från cdon? Funderar på att beställa där istället men jag vill veta att dom verkligen har plattan inne.

Ska bli kul som fan att höra hela!

Jag beställda albumet via Black Mark faktiskt och de höll ju releasedatumet på pricken. :)
Svenskar: Var fick ni plattan ifrån? Jag beställde den från Ginza för ett tag sen men de slappisarna verkar inte ha fått in den än. Är det nån som har beställt den från cdon? Funderar på att beställa där istället men jag vill veta att dom verkligen har plattan inne.

Ska bli kul som fan att höra hela!

Beställde också från Ginza och de levererade den idag, får hoppas att den ligger på hallgolvet när jag kommer hem på torsdag natt...

At ginza.se, Alive Again is priced 49 .- SVK.

Are they giving away free Mustang Cabriolets and rocketride to the moon as well??

Question: Could someone please feed me the mp3`s of WD? I know this is a strange thing to ask for at Dans official forum, but hey - I`m to big a fan to not buy the album when it is available in Norway. I will not spread it around, scouts honour. I`m just dying to hear this, and are finding it hard to wait the extra few days, so.. anyone? PM me!
Dag sing lead all alone in Trial & Error "Standing on the top...." right before my Sanata-vibe guitarlead!"! The leadvocalist guest-appearance you refer to in "Trust" is Erik!!!
I think that the backingvocals are great from Erik and Dag. Erik has a cruel and distinct voice :rock:

The production is really modern and I really like that several of the songs without any special warning are smashing in the chorus....sooo gooood :kickass:
by the reactions here it feels as i'm gonna be living in a state of shock ;) when i get it.
it's gonna be interesting to hear how dag's 70's style will influence the direction of the album...
I think that the backingvocals are great from Erik and Dag. Erik has a cruel and distinct voice :rock: [quote=

Some other parts of his body is also cruel and distinct :lol:

I´m really glad you guys ( girls ? ) like the album.
To make a "Danproject" without Dan songs is always a risk :)
But the production and vocals is the best i heard from him so far
( i cant judge metal productions/growls ) I think we have found or style ( sort of ) with this album. Having the addition of Erik and Tom as writers
is really nice, it feels more like a band. But who knows on the next album we may play bluegrass :rolleyes:
I promise some flesh :p

....and guess what i found on my ( not so legal ) download site :rolleyes:
The album all in white !
Well, well...it´s done with love and care and i guess it´s payback time:lol:
Dag I hope you are wrong and that you haven't found your style. I love the continued experimentation/(evolution?) of the band!
After first wd listening I have to say i'm a bit disappointed.:( It sounds great (best ng productions ever) but the songs are not enough catchy in comparsion of past albums.

I know - it's de facto Dag's album. I prefer more Dan than Dag writing style but I like some Dag's great songs like Alone, Invisible, Falling, The One..

Here are only positive reactions so this is my "first listening" negative opinion.. but I will still listening and maybe it will better with another listening..:)

PS: The parts in "Hideaway" (1:00 - 1:12) and in "Trial a error" (3:00-..) are