Who Are You?

i don't recall asking to be called emo:rolleyes: lol, but yea...it doesn't bother me much, i know who i is
I'm a Liverpool fan.

Well, congratulations! Although I´m not a Liverpool fan, I like seeing that Barca is out of Champions League, beaten by an english team. As long as it´s not Chelsea!

Or Southampton!!! But that´s a whole other story!
Western part of Jutland. Which means pretty much as far out as you can get!
Hopefully, within a month I´ll be in Århus (eastern Jutland) which is Denmark´s 2nd biggest city.


And, are you in the Danish army? (I'm just wondering where you get the rifle from ;) )

And, are you in the Danish army? (I'm just wondering where you get the rifle from ;) )

Yeah. I´m in the army reserves. I just came home from Afghanistan 3 weeks ago, hence my increase in posts at UM. :)
Just signed a new 4 year (reserve) contract...
Black is easily the best shade to wear.

I used to get called "goth girl" when I was little in middle school. Dumb ass kids. Though, I still wear black, and it suits my skin tone and eyes quite well, so I get compliments on it now.
Uh yeah, guess I'd better post here then.

Name:Jake Gordy.
age:16, look older than that, though.
Fav. band:Honestly, I can't choose any single band, all depends on da mood.
Hobbies:Guitar, gaming, guitar, friends. (not necessarily in that order)
From:Iowa, least metal place on earth.
Fav. sport:kickboxing
team:Teams suck. so do all other sports. That's actually a little known fact.
not so fun facts:Longest hair of any guy (and most chicks) at my school. Been a guitarist about a year and a half.

much more to me, but you can just talk to me via msn kickface_boy@hotmail.com