Who Are You?

favorite band: The Berzerker, Psycroptic, Bloodbath
something unusual about me: I tend to figit alot
favorite sport: Football australian style
favorite team: Geelong Cats
favorite band:Dir En Grey >.<
something unusual about me: Wooo i got alot for this one.. hmmm when i was six i dove into a coffe table.. i have a problem wit supergluing myself, i hate noses and take them out of all my pics& shoping for panties is fun :)
favorite sport: Hockey
favorite team: Montreal
name: Rudas

favorite bands: Gamma Ray, Primal Fear, Helloween, Hammerfall, Edguy, Iron Maiden, Iced Earth, Judas Priest, Jag Panzer, Impellitteri, (old) Queensryche, Seventh One, Metalium, Dream Theater, Saxon, im sure theres more.

about me: guitar player for about 15 years, played piano for six years before that, im 27, ive been married, divorced, remarried, have a 6 year old son, i hunt, i love to be out in the woods, born and raised country boy, i have long hair, 4 guitars, 1 bass, a marshall half stack, and a kustom PA for singing, sometimes i type alot.

odd things about me: im a witch, so is my wife, im anti-social, the farthest ive ever killed a deer was over 300 yards away with a 20 GA shotgun, heaven forbid someone pisses me off while i have a high powered rifle they would be dead before they knew what hit em, bad things happen to people who get on my bad side;) , NO, IM NOT WICCAN!

favorite sport: none

favorite team: metal bands (they are teams ya know)

blah, theres more but im sure ive bored the hell outta you guys already!
OfManAndMetal said:
wouldnt you be a warlock?

nah, warlock just means oath breaker or one who breaks promises etc. besides, most witches that are male dont refere to themselves as warlocks. they usually refere to themselves a sorcerers, wizards, magicians witches, or simply male magical practitioner. some have even more fascinating terms for it!:Spin:
Name: Niels
Lives: Netherlands
Fav Band: Rammstein, strapping young lad.
something unusual about me: Uhm let me think, probably the only dutch guy who never been in a coffeeshop, don't mind running naked at crowded places.
Fav Sport: K1

And if you wanna know more, just ask