Who here ranks Maiden #1?

Originally posted by Wrathchild
I'm with Trent on this one. KISS will always be my fave band because I would never have discovered music without them.

Shit man, get yourself a radio! ;)
Originally posted by Moon Child

A new world opened up when I was introduced to them, and I have met so many lovely, genuine people since.

Maybe you should point out this BB to some of them.
Ok, it was a bit obvious, but it had to be done, dinnit? Right? Hello?
Originally posted by Mark
Just curious who here still considers Maiden to be their favourite band (if they ever did)?

I've only ever had 1 favourite band... Exodus!!!

Now that they're no more, I don't have one.

I first saw Maiden on Rock Arena (now I'm showing my age), and I saw them perform Run To The Hills live... next day I ran out and bought Number Of The Beast -- an album I still think hasn't been topped, but Powerslave comes close.

Maiden is a huge influence on my Metal Life as I know it, but unfortunately of late they've waned in their writing (they just don't write like they used to). I still regard them as a great band -- Clive Burr made me decide to play drums.

But then Slayer came along!!! :heh:
Fists are in the air, Banging everywhere
Thrashing to the sound, Faces melting down
It's time to Fight for metal tonight
Bangers take your stand and obey...

Exodus rock...heheh Paul Baloff rules !
Originally posted by Stevo
But then Slayer came along!!! :heh:

SLAYER!!!!! God Hates Us All is a very calming album for me when im pissed off, all the rest of the albums kick arse too :D
Iron Maiden are without doubt still my favourite band and have been since around 1985 when I first heard Number of the Beast and couldn't stop listening to it for about two weeks! Then came Powerslave, which I also couldn't stop listening to though I unfortunately missed the World Slavery Tour :(
I listen to all kinds of music now, mainly metal and alternative and although Maiden aren't exactly the 'in thing' they write bloody good songs. No matter how many other bands I get into nothing quite resonates with me the way Maiden does. The guitar harmonies, Bruce's voice and Steve's awesome basslines just seem to strike a chord with me that very few other bands can.
I really can't see any other band taking Maiden's place as my personal favourite.
I have gone out and bought albums by Opeth (interesting music, not so keen on the vocals) and Iced Earth (still strike me as being imitators not innovators - without Iron Maiden I doubt they'd even exist!!) after reading about them on this BB and I think Maiden kick their arses!!!

Brave New World ROCKS!! Bring on the DVD!!