Who is more gay?

Who is more gay?

  • Elton John

    Votes: 11 91.7%
  • Liberace

    Votes: 1 8.3%

  • Total voters
hm yeah it is. well i voted for elton since hes still alive ..?
SSJ:"This thread is gay and lying."
This is true... but:
AnYwaY wHat'S WroNg wItH GAy'S? ThEy'Re fUckI'n EaCh OtHer, So We HaVE moRe ManY freE girLz.

So, GaYz, FuuuuuuuUUUUuuUucK eAch OtHerZ!
This is 'more true' :cool:
why are you such a moron? ehh...

Interesting question...

However, before answering, I would like to point out that YOU are the one with some black metal looking chump holding a knife in their signature. This may make you necr0 or tr00 or GRI/\/\, but it doesn't stop you from asking idiotic questions on a message board full of pointless posts and countless morons, apparently.

But to answer your question, Dragonqueen ( :rolleyes: ), I don't really know why I am a moron. Some would say I was born that way while others might say that it was my environment.

As for the rest of you jerkoffs who had something smart to say, FLAME ON MOTHERFUCKERS!!! :flame:
just tell why the fuck do ppl start threads like this? we taking some polls about the present and dengerous stuation which is named WAR so theres gotta be somen shit about JWB and Saddam, but starting threads abut Elton John??????? :guh::mad:

What next? Jason or Steven? Britney or Justin?? :grin: