just tell why the fuck do ppl start threads like this? we taking some polls about the present and dengerous stuation which is named WAR so theres gotta be somen shit about JWB and Saddam, but starting threads abut Elton John???????
So I'm supposed to be talking about nothing but war? Ok, how about this...
I think that there is nothing I can do short of enlisting to make any impact whatsoever on our inevitable occupation of Iraq and even then I think we are wrong to be doing what we are doing. But, that's the name of the game with our country, isn't it? I could give two shits about this war because I support nothing even associated with our current president and his actions but I feel for the troops who have bought all of the Captain America bullshit they have been fed all their lives which has been pushed on them from every conceivable angle since birth. I also feel for those soliders who have no option other than to enlist because they bought the line about college tuition only to find out that Uncle Sam was wating in the wings to brainwash them and send them thousands of miles away to die for the profits many are set to make if we control the oil in the middle east. And while I wait for friends and acquaintances to be shipped off I can do nothing but sit here and wonder if I'm gonna see them again.
So, that being said, I suppose you would have us all sitting in front of our television sets switching back and forth between the major news channels in morbid curiosity waiting for the news of another bomb dropped on a group of innocent civilians who will be written off by our goverment and military as "collateral damage". Then we can smile as the news anchors give us shitty "human interest" stories by exploiting the spouses and children of the troops, giving us video clips of little kids saying things like, "I hope my daddy makes it home." Well, FUCK THAT! I've seen this shit before and I want nothing to do with it. I don't support it and I'm pissed as hell that the image of America is tarnished with a shitstain like GWB and the blood of the innocent people he is going to have a hand in murdering simply to boost the economy and profits for his buddies in the oil business.
You saw what the title of the thread was. You didn't have to click on it. Start a new thread about war and how horrible it is if you wanna dwell on that.