Who is the most handsome guy around here?

Aye! Those pics can brink several things in mind! :grin:

You brain damaged guys! :p :lol:

But who's the cute guy in the pink tshirt anyway!? ;)
Originally posted by IRoN

Why don't you tell people why you're sitting there and smiling at the camera? Or why don't you confess what happened next?

All right, but remember you asked for it!!! :mad:
So, right after Jane had sexually exploited Uma and they had arrived back, Jane turned to Çiço for a little hmm... caress. I felt deep sympathyfor Umut, that's why I stopped laughing. :err:


This pic was taken in the early days. After his spontaneus street ass-dance show on this hot night, Jane became extremely popular among the male population in Istanbul. His admirers, l-r: Çiço, Barbara and Uma. :goggly:


Why do you people keep posting half-pics?!?! :mad:
Ivi, I want the other half of that island pic, the part that has you and Cico in it... You know, the part that led Mark (or was it Timmy?) to the question: "Why does Evil stand there with an uncooked pizza on top of his head?" :goggly:

Btw, ladies and gentlemen, I guess this last pic was the first official photo displaying Barbi in his full glory. We can see clearly that Tas keeps cool, and takes no part in assdance :s
Originally posted by Katmandoom

Oh! how sacred? tell me ALL about it ;)

It would take ages to tell ALL about the legend of the pink glass. To keep it extremely short, I'll tell you that pink is the color of a sacred cup that has been used for thousands of times in ancient rituals of death and of war. The legends somehow point to milk, damaged brains, black magic, and even gaybar belly dancers, but I'm not sure whether you're qualified to listen for further details ;)

FYI: Here's an excerpt from an archaic script:

Seven deadly sins
Seven ways to win
Seven pinky paths to hell
And your trip begins

I hope this helps you appreciate the profound nature of the matter :p