So... anyone willing to help the newbie here to get into UM Boards "life"???

No, it doesn't need to be a certain size, but it shouldn't be too big...
The pic will get resized automatically to 100X100
Welcome to the board... umm to become one of the "in" members, you need to be from Finland, like Opeth, and have 5000+ posts.... :lol: :p

Other than that, just post a bunch and enjoy!
Originally posted by ~Zeanra~
To get "in" you have to congratulate me for my B-Day and give me a present :p *patiently waits*

edit: Please don't understand that wrong....Hearse, shut up...


OK, now this single post just made my day!! :lol:

The way you two seem to 'understand' each other so well... :rolleyes:

Queen ~Z~ does not seem to understand me in this way though......... :cry:

"So iTHIS is what the world out side the OPETH forums looks like........ WOOOOOW!!!! " *Drool* :zombie:

I think I LIKE it!!! :grin:
Originally posted by Spike

OK, now this single post just made my day!! :lol:

"So iTHIS is what the world out side the OPETH forums looks like........ WOOOOOW!!!! " *Drool* :zombie:

I think I LIKE it!!! :grin:

:lol: LMAO!!!! :lol:

This post just made MY day!!!
Mfpmppffm MpmppffmpPppppfmffpff, Mff fmpmfpppffmfmfmmfpfmp mmmmmpppffmffmp mmfmfpmmmpppmfmmffpppmfm fmpmfpmpp mmfppfmpmmpp fmpppf ppmmmmpmpmpp fmpmfpmpp Pmpmppppppppffm Fmppffmmmpppfmmpmfmmmfmpppfpff pmpmffpppmpmmmm fmfpppmffpfpfmfmpp... fmpmfpmmmfmp fppppffmfpmfmpm pmpmppmpppfm mmmpmfpmf fmpmfpmpp fmmppmmmmpfffmpmmmfmmfmmmppfmm ppffmffmp fppmfpppf mpfppffmfpppmpm fmpmfpmmmfmp ppfpppmpp mmmpmfpffmppmmmmpmffm, mfpmppmfp :grin:
She was refering to me Hearse... :rolleyes:

But those are not your _socks_ Zeanra-Sweetie... ;)
It was your toe... sweet toe lalalala :lol: