Who is the "oddball" band this year?

Harvester said:
If you keep your forumula the same, then you are going to die a slow death. The audience is eventually going to get bored. Or worse yet, I will.
Q: Would Jimmy Buffet qualify as an "odd ball"?

Perhaps get Russell and Tom to join him on stage for a Metal version of "Margaritaville"? We could head bang and do fins at the same time. Though I suppose you'd have to see if your liability insurance would cover all the injuries sure to ensue from such a dangerous move.

General Zod said:
Q: Would Jimmy Buffet qualify as an "odd ball"? Perhaps get Russell and Tom to join him on stage for a Metal version of "Margaritaville"? We could all headbang and do fins at the same time (though I'd suppose you'd have to see if your liability insurance would cover all the injuries)?


It's a moot question. I'd prefer Jimmy sitting on a stool with an acoustic guitar in a bar that held 25 people. In other words, I wouldn't share.
Harvester said:
If you keep your forumula the same, then you are going to die a slow death. The audience is eventually going to get bored. Or worse yet, I will.

Glenn H.

Glenn, with all due respect, I wouldn't ever get bored with your festival if I never heard another Cookie Monster growl again! :lol:
Freak Kitchen would be the oddball this year, IMO.

They are far beyond a "dumb lyric hair metal" band.

There seems to be a couple different schools of thought regarding humor in music. Those who have to have their listening platter be 100% serious ALL the time, and those who can also enjoy a bit of humor, both lyrically, and musically. I'm out to have a good time when I go see a band, whether or not they are singing about slaying dragons, or dead soul men. For example, I doubt Glenn goes to Buffet concert to see extreme technicality music-wise (and no, I'm not saying Buffet's band AREN'T good!) , I think it's about the overall vibe, and to have a good time (I could be wrong about that!). With FK, you get that good time vibe in a hard rock/metal band.
I personally like bands that can't be lumped in any specific genre. I can't think of a better fest/audience than Prog Power for Freak Kitchen. I don't understand those that think they don't "belong" there. They aren't "too soft",
and I'll put Mattias up against any guitarist who has played Prog Power past, present, and future. Is it the trio format? Are they not worthy because they don't have 27 people up onstage? No keys? I think FK is going wow the crowd this year, at least those that give them the chance to.

Matt, why do you feel that they are the "most out of place" band?

J-Dubya - Who promises to keep this more civil than the Threshold on NB thread :saint:
Freak Kitchen is the oddball this year....and who exactly is the "dumb lyric hair metal" band someone mentioned???
General Zod said:
I'm not sure I follow the logic of this statement.


I was replying to Magius statement - Perhaps I just ASSUME he's speaking of FK. Here's a c/p of his post - and I did misquote him it's dumb lyric hair band...sorry.....:heh:


"Since when did oddball's have to be limited to 1? Last year clearly had 2. This year has several standouts: A dumb lyric hair band, a death metal band, a gothic metal band, and a headliner who wouldn't normally headline with any of his projects much less solo."
BenMech said:
Thunderstone? Jorn?

Edguy would be a precise answer for that description, but both times they played, the crowds seemed to love them.
I agree that Edguy is going more in that direction lately but I don;t see a band this year being like that at all.
I know Glenn says that he always add in an 'oddball,' but this is progpower metal we are talking about. None of the bands are exactly... normal. Personally I don't think there is an oddball out there.

Anyhow, as for death vocals, this is progressive and power metal, not just progressive-power metal. Personally I think that progressive-death, progressive-black, and such have their place at this fest. Though, since there are more black/death shows/fests in the US on a normal basis, that is why I think the festival has to limit the number of them at ProgPower.
BenMech said:
I'd agree Sumeet, until you remember, as JayKeeley opened the thread saying, that last year's oddball was PC69

Last year's lineup was interesting, and at first glance, it almost seemed as if there were 2 "oddball" bands... Therion and Orphaned Land. This being because the "oddball" band was originally the band with a darker vibe, and some use of harsh vocals. But of course, if there are 2 of them, neither can truly be the "oddball".

But taking into consideration how the scene has changed over the last few years, and realigning one's perspective based on the 10 bands at the 2005 festival, and which one is actually the most different from the other 9, it is clear that, in fact, Pink Cream 69 was absolutely the "oddball" last year.
Harvester said:
If you keep your forumula the same, then you are going to die a slow death. The audience is eventually going to get bored. Or worse yet, I will.

Glenn H.

Very true... still, could you have imagined back in mid 90's, while listening to In Your Multitude or Kadath Decoded, that one day you'd be digging harsh vocals? :heh:
Sumeet said:
Very true... still, could you have imagined back in mid 90's, while listening to In Your Multitude or Kadath Decoded, that one day you'd be digging harsh vocals? :heh:

Is a cd with screaming cats really any worse than a cd with growly vocals? :lol:
booB said:
Is a cd with screaming cats really any worse than a cd with growly vocals? :lol:

Bwahahahaha.... it's been so long since I listened that I forgot all about that! :lol:
Sumeet said:
Very true... still, could you have imagined back in mid 90's, while listening to In Your Multitude or Kadath Decoded, that one day you'd be digging harsh vocals? :heh:

Well, maybe harsh cats, too..... Meow! :heh:

I was like that in the mid-90's, too.... Didn't listen to any extreme metal bands at all. My, how things change...and for the better, IMO. :kickass: :headbang:

I blame it on my association with WREKage.... I was brought onboard the show to diversify the then-all-extreme playlist...and I ended up being subverted by the very music I was brought in to replace. :lol:
booB said:
Is a cd with screaming cats really any worse than a cd with growly vocals? :lol:
I honestly feel bad for those folks who can't deal with harsh vocals. And I don't mean that as any sort of insult. There's so much great music being created with harsh vocals, that those who can't deal with them, are really missing out.
