The Professor was right
Silent Screams off live insurrection is one of the most stunning performances of any song ever.
Russell could sing that song. Russell doesnt attempt to do high dog squeal notes like Koti because he realises it doesnt sound good. Koti should realise this to. Kotipelto is probably one of the worst singers ive ever heard. Awful wimpy voice, horrible pitch and the worst sounding high voice ive heard. He is flat out shit.Hellholming said:to allt the Kotipelto bashers.. I'd like to see Russell try to sing "Find your own voice", he hasn't got the range for it. Anyway, I still don't think Timo isn't a great vocalist, and prefer Russell over him any day.. There's a song on the new Strato album where the vocals really make me cringe.. Soooo daamn, off-key!!
Labrie is amazing though, and I like Sammett too.
I don't see the point in these negative bash-type threads....
korruption said:Holy shit how the FUCK did I forget that?!?! Aaahhh!!! Wish someone would shoot that loser!
Kenneth R. said:latecomer to this thread but:
my 1-2 punch would be---
1. Robert Plant. yes. I SO WENT THERE.
2. Ozzy.
It's one thing when people say that they don't like James Labrie, but it's completely beyond me, how anyone can say that he's a hack.DoomsdayZach said:I gotta flame Labrie at any opportunity... that dude is the ultimate hack.
Yes, you did SO GO THERE.Kenneth R. said:1. Robert Plant. yes. I SO WENT THERE.
Phanto said:whoever is the vocalist in Ivory Tower is by far the worst vocalist ever.
Sabin17 said:He's got some work to do, but this vocalist gave me a good laugh I haven't had in weeks:
I especially like it when he looks like he's about to throw up.
OH GOD!!!! Did anyone see Wicked Wisdom at Ozzfest '05? At the Holmdel show, they got Boo'd off the stage in the middle of their opening song.Kenneth R. said:Oh wait wait wait... I got another one:
Jada Pinkett Smith. aka Will Smith's wife and her metal band. However, I respect her badass-ness at sticking to it and pursuing metal, but she needs vocal lessons bigtime.